I baught a set of bomz coil-over springs back in late fall and a new set of stock shocks. Yes I know I screwed up PLEASE dont tell me. After I took the bomz springs back off after about a week, the car has seemed extremly stiff and bumpy but also the winter has really messed the roads up arond here. Is this a normal thing for this to be happening after I put the old springs back on?
i cant imagine them being stiff. those are not the greatest coils and on stock struts i cant imagine it being stiffy. bumpy and bouncy i can see.
StrippedCav98 (Now Quotable) wrote:i cant imagine them being stiff. those are not the greatest coils and on stock struts i cant imagine it being stiffy. bumpy and bouncy i can see.
He swapped them back out for the stockers.
New stock struts will make it stiffer, even with stock springs. How old were the old struts?
I'm willing to bet your struts are blown.
2002 Sunfire -->
- Ractive steering wheel
- ASA 17" EM9 + Nexen N5000 215/45/17 (steelies for winter)
- D-Spec Lowering kit @ 1.4" (issues currently

- Rockford P250.1 + MTX MZS1004 + Panasonic CQ-C8313U head unit
- Barely legal tint.
James Cahill wrote:StrippedCav98 (Now Quotable) wrote:i cant imagine them being stiff. those are not the greatest coils and on stock struts i cant imagine it being stiffy. bumpy and bouncy i can see.
He swapped them back out for the stockers.
New stock struts will make it stiffer, even with stock springs. How old were the old struts?
thats not what he said though
Jerry Van Brogen wrote:I baught a set of bomz coil-over springs back in late fall and a new set of stock shocks. Yes I know I screwed up PLEASE dont tell me. After I took the bomz springs back off after about a week, the car has seemed extremly stiff and bumpy but also the winter has really messed the roads up arond here. Is this a normal thing for this to be happening after I put the old springs back on?
im taking it as he put his stock springs back on
firemachine69 wrote:I'm willing to bet your struts are blown.
if they were blown they wouldnt be stiff
stripped-both of you are thinking the same thing.
James Cahill wrote:He swapped them back out for the stockers.
StrippedCav98 (Now Quotable) wrote:im taking it as he put his stock springs back on.
the stock springs are back on the car:
Jerry Van Brogen wrote:Is this a normal thing for this to be happening after I put the old springs back on?

Wanting a nice set of black 17's with mint tires? Pm me.
yes the stock springs and new shocks are on it. I thaught about reselling the bomz springs but I wouldt want some one to think that I'm a bad person for selling them a crappy product.
They may seem stiff because they're "floaty"... Until you smack them on the bumpstops. :S
2002 Sunfire -->
- Ractive steering wheel
- ASA 17" EM9 + Nexen N5000 215/45/17 (steelies for winter)
- D-Spec Lowering kit @ 1.4" (issues currently

- Rockford P250.1 + MTX MZS1004 + Panasonic CQ-C8313U head unit
- Barely legal tint.
should I bottum the car out? Is that what you mean? I know me asking this seems stupid but Im not sure what you mean.
No, don't bottom the car out.
The new stock struts will seem stiffer than the old ones because they are actually doing their job (for now).
As for the winter roads thing, i get the same thing where i live.
I have another theory as well.
My struts seem a lot stiffer in cold weather. I think the oil and gas inside them moves more slowly because of the cold temperatures,
producing an effect that emulates stiffer valving.
Thoughts on this, anyone?