My girlfriend has a 2002 sunfire with abs. The only problem is, the abs aren't working properly, she had it brought in and they said the hub(?) had to be replaced because the plug in piece is cracked and that's "probably" what's shorting it out. They found some codes, but since the abs light wasn't on at the time she had it in (even though it was on the whole way there) they couldn't be sure. They said it would be around 600 dollars to have a new hub(?) installed, which she can't afford right now. So what I'd like to know is, is there an easy way to disable the abs for the winter?
that's crap.
you can do it yourself and save a lot of money.
Desert Tuners
“When you come across a big kettle of crazy, it’s best not to stir it.”
By the way, I've searched and read through some of the other threads, but they just say pull the relay or fuse or sensor. Which I'd love to do, but I'm not certain where they'd be. The relay or fuse I'd assume are under the hood in the fuse box by the battery. Will it be labelled as to which one it is? Which sensor would it be that would be unplugged? The one we were shown that was cracked on the inside of the rear wheel/brake?
get it fixed... don't risk a wreck with no ABS during winter and slick roads. just my opinion.
the fuse will be labeled.
Desert Tuners
“When you come across a big kettle of crazy, it’s best not to stir it.”
If the ABS light is on, then it's already shut off. Pulling the fuse won't make the light go away... if it's working intermittently now, then that's slightly better than it being totally dead. Pulling the fuse will make no difference, really.
If it was working fine... but you didn't want it to... (say, for autocross... or ruining perfectly good tires... or.. actually.. I can't think of a good reason...) only then, would pulling the fuse make a difference.
If you have the right tools, or know someone that does.... changing the hub isn't that hard... and they can be had for less than $50 on Ebay.
It's not that the light's on and stays on. It's only now and than. But the problem is when it's not working (I think, can't quite remember) it randomly pulses and you can feel it in your pedals. So it's really quite annoying, and I would think it would be more dangerous than knowing that they aren't there, and aren't going to be there.
I haven't worked on brakes myself so not to comfortable with going through those to get the hub and whatnot, and I've saw them on eBay for cheap but I wasn't sure if they were good quality. However if they'll work just as well as anything else than I wouldn't be against using them.
If they had quoted anything cheaper at the dealership I would have put half the price in to have it fixed right there, but I figured that was a fairly high price.
But anyway, to stop running on... I just figured it would be safer in the end to disable it until it can be fixed properly and I wasn't totally sure how to go about that. But if it'll be clearly labelled than thanks for the tip.
If it's pulsating while you're braking.... then that's the system actually doing it's job. That's what it feels like. I know, it feels awful. Maybe it's time to look at your tires...?
If it's doing that while you drive, but not braking, then yeah it's trouble.
Yeah, I know what the abs is like when it's actually working. This, isn't working properly.
It's randomly while you're driving, you can be driving along completely normal and than the light will either go on and you can feel the brakes, or the light will stay off and you can feel the brakes, or well maybe not actually the brakes because it doesn't feel like it's holding you back any. But the sound of the abs working is what you can hear, keeping in mind though this is while your foots on the gas and not even touching the brake.