The connector that connects the main parking brake cable to the rear cables that go to the brakes rotted and broke. and I cannot figure out how to get enough slack in the cable to reconnect them with the new connector. Can anyone tell me how this done or even suggest ideas I'm stumped.
You can buy a whole new handle and cable assembly for like $38.00 or so from GMPD. I have the part number listed in the neon brake swap thread.
Is that the part number for the neone cables or for a 2dr sunfire? i really dont need it all just the connector rotted everything else is fine, its quite mysterious possibly cables were replaced and they used the old connector.
Its the hard route to go, but if you want more slack you could take apart the drum brakes to get the parking cables disconnected from the shoes, that should free up a little slack. You can also disconnect the cable from the e-brake lever as well. Its easier to do that if you unbolt the lever assembly from the floor and move it back some.
+1 to what Greg Z said.
I took the whole rear suspension out of an 03 along with the complete e-brake assembly and handle, to move everything to a different Cavalier. Learned the hard way that it's a lot easier and cleaner to pull the console and unbolt the e-brake handle than to pull apart the drum assembly.
Hope that helps.
That helps alot, I was just out there, trying to find the front bolts of the console, in a 97 sunfire, found the rear ones easy enough.
In my 2000, the front bolt is under a little round plastic cover in the squarish area under the HVAC/radio, pop that off and theres a screw.
To add to this, since I just completed putting the e-brake assembly into the other Cav last weekend:
To attach the cable to the handle in the car while the rest of the assembly is connected to the brakes is DIFFICULT, but can be done... Probably easier if you have a second person helping you. Multiple pairs of vice grips are a must, with at least one needlenose.
If you're just replacing the forward portion of the cable, I would recommend connecting the cable to the handle first, then connecting the front portion of the cable to the rear portion of the cable. Alas, it's my style to take the path of most resistance....
And, if you check the interior FAQ, I think there's a link to instructions for removal/installation of the console by Team Forward Motion? One bolt in the tray under the cap that Greg Z mentioned, two bolts in the bottom under the cover, and one bolt next to the e-brake handle under the power window switches, if you have power windows.
Actually, like I said above, if you unbolt the e-brake lever assembly from the floor, you can just move it backwards, connect the cable, then move it back forward and bolt it in place, I didn't need any pliers, visegrips, needlenose, or anything like that. If you can get someone to stand on the brakes, it does make it SLIGHTLY easier to pull the cable forward if needed too.
Hrm... That advice would have been useful a couple of weeks ago! HAHA! Oh, well. It's all in now. I'll remember that for next time.