so, i've run into a little snag with my daytona rear disc swap. The length on the cable is about 1/2" too long on each side for it to properly throw the ebrake lever. any suggestions on how to make the cables shorter? i figure making the cable that comes from the handle 1" shorter, but exactly how? have any of you found those metal wire crimp things that are the ends of the cable?
- Sold my beloved J in April 2010 -
I shortened the little tab on the back of my ebrake handle where the cable hooks. I've never really looked at a 3rd gen handle, so I don't know if its possible to do it that way. You could always use a crimp on end after cutting it shorter. You'd need the right tool to do it though, its similar to a huge pair of wire crimpers.
tab? on the 3rd gen ebrake handle (i've never see a 2nd gen), there's a crimp on end. where have u found crimp on ends?
- Sold my beloved J in April 2010 -
Look at the neon swap thread. James has a picture of the "TAB" he shortened
I am not familiar with your ebrake setup, but you could make the bracket longer to take up the extra slack
99 Z24
wheres my boost??
ah, well the 3rd gen isn't the same. the third gen has the cable to directly around the bottom of the ebrake lever and hooks in there. there's no tab.
jason, what bracket?
- Sold my beloved J in April 2010 -
A good tractor supply shop or industrial supply store should be able to help you out with crimping on another end on your cable.
lo, Yeah Berto theres got to be a Tractor shop in downtown Miami !!!
actually maybe look out in Davie
Oh, its one of those plastic slots the end fits into? Hmmmm....
How much bare cable is there between the sheath and where it contacts the plastic when the handle is pulled all the way? If theres a few inches, you could cut it, and then butt connect it back together. The crimp on connectors I was talking about are similar to electrical connectors, but alot larger and require a bolt-cutter sized crimp tool. Punch "aircraft cable fittings" into Google and see what comes up.
its not a plastic slot. its a metal crimp fitting at the end. what i need to try to find is those crimp ones.
- Sold my beloved J in April 2010 -
No I meant the actual handle itself has a plastic slot that the end of the cable hooks into.
its all metal the cable hooks into a slot that is part of the ratchet , spring assembly , nothing plastic except the the handle and switch
^ that.
- Sold my beloved J in April 2010 -
see if you can shorten the cable where it goes from the single to the dual cables near the rear axle
yea, theres a few places to shorten it at. i haven't had a chance to look for the crimp ends but i will this weekend.
- Sold my beloved J in April 2010 -