Anyone every have there front brakes lock up???.....anyone know why??.....cuz mine r starting to piss me off my front brakes lock up even before my rear brakes to...and i lose control...but i manage to get it back...after a few seconds...anyone one got any ideas or has this happened to you.......could you provide me with ideas to why that happens.......and its a 2004 cavalier (no ABS)
when you press the brake pedal any you start to lose control, you have to pump the brakes. thats just what you have to do if you dont have abs.
Winter tires might help you out a bit, but what you describe has been encountered by every non-ABS driver that doesn't allow enough stopping distance.
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well...ya it is a non abs problem.....but this doesnt just happen of wet surface only sometimes even clean areas with out any snow...and it doesnt even happen to me in the real 1-2 feet of only happens sometimes... lol i was on a bridge that day.....i choose screw the light i'll let it go through the light rather than going off to the side below.....luckly i didnt kill myself ....after that red light i pulled up my hand brake and that was the only thing that stop me from spuning or losing more control and causeing more damage then i could.....that other week i cracked my bumper....cuz i lost control or something going lol....10km...on a turn on to my street and hit the curb and snow...i'm tired of hitting @!#$ and my parent think......"WOW!! what a wonderful son.... he hits almost anything" lol they put everything upon me... even if they car slips or what ya enough of me talking...does anyone else have any ideas that may help me prevent this from happening again to me.......
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My girlfriend drives a 2005 Cavalier Coupe w/o ABS...actually, I drive it a lot. I encounter this problem, but I'm used to adjusting my foot-pressure on the pedal. Don't push too hard. I also would agree on the tires.
ya i know that....i don't push the brakes pedal hard.....i only tap the pedal very little and sometimes that still happens
With my Cavy, if the road conditions are decent, I find that because of weight transfer the rear tires always break loose first under heavy braking. If it's at all slippery then I think your symptoms are normal. If not, perhaps your rear brakes aren't performing like they should.
That said, the fronts do most of the braking anyways, so if you are often locking them up you probably need to change your driving style.
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So it also happens when the roads are completely dry?
Do you have a digi cam? Snap me a few pictures of all of your front brake pads, and pictures of your brake hoses. (The ones that go to the calipers)
I have a feeling that something else is wrong if it does it on completely dry streets too.
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