I was talking to a friend who told me i had my strut bars installed incorrectly, he said the bars are supposed to push the strut towers apart to hold them in place and that i had mine tightened so they pulled the towers together.
So im asking you guys, whats the proper way to install the bars, Should i have the tension pulling the strut towers together or should they be pushing them apart?
Also with the rear strut bar, i have it sitting on the 1 nut and 1 bolt thats at the top of the tower, it doesnt actually come in contact with the metal of the cars body, just the bolts for the strut, is this correct? or was i supposed to remove the 1 nut and put some spacers or somthing to make it sit flat?
Thanks for any help.
they should be snug, not pushing or pulling. the point of the bar is the keep the towers level
My car may run 18s, but I can do your taxes in 10 seconds flat.
JBO lube - they would never have enough in stock and we'd never see RodimusPrime again
^^^ true..... hand tight, not impact tight....
and for the rear... always remove the bar from the brackets before installing them.. do one side, get it mouted flat, then do the other, then put the bar in... its a pain in the ass since of the location of it, and how hard it is to get those bolts tightened, but it pays off