Hey everyone. I heard this wet floor problem is a common thing for gm's. Did anyone encounter this, and what is the best way to fix this problem? Don't want the floor to rust off. lol
2003 Cavalier 2dr. 5spd
if its a common problem, maybe you should search it...
i've never heard of it, my guess is passengers don't wipe their feet? :idon'tknow:
I did do a search here but i did not find anything. I was wondering if any other fellow 2nd gens encountered the same problem i have.
2003 Cavalier 2dr. 5spd
it's the gutter (where your wiper blades are).
the metal is pretty thin in that area... debris builds up in the gutter (like leaves) starts to rot, causes the metal to rust which creates holes and allows water to pour directly into the passenger side. I had the same problem when I had my sunbird.
[ o ][][][][][][][][ o ] coach built xj ( o   \[][][][][][][]/  o ) hid wj
What did you do about it urban. Can i get rubber chalking and fill the holes.
2003 Cavalier 2dr. 5spd
I didn't do the repair myself, so I can't give you precise instructions. My friend knew a bodyshop guy who did the work off teh clock. It set me back 220 bucks, but I was getting quotes upwards of $600 for the work (on the clock). From what I understand, they cleaned out the gutter, and soldered in new metal. I'm sure chalking would do the trip, but it would be wise to ask at V6z24.com. The good news is - it can be fixed.
[ o ][][][][][][][][ o ] coach built xj ( o   \[][][][][][][]/  o ) hid wj
thanks urban. much appreciated
2003 Cavalier 2dr. 5spd
did you look in the gutter and see how big the hole is? i'm interested in knowing..
also check out hte fire wall below the heater box, you can see it from the engine bay, mines got a hole there, also right below the windsheld on either corner these cars like to form holes there as well, my driverside turns into a lake everytime it rains,it could also be your windshield, i had mine replaced and only kind of fixed the problem, theres tons of places water can get in, do you have a stereo?? the person who installed the first remote starter in my car ran all the wires thru the firewall right below where the cowl drain is, thats another spot to check right beside the master cyl
urban wrote:it's the gutter (where your wiper blades are).
the metal is pretty thin in that area... debris builds up in the gutter (like leaves) starts to rot, causes the metal to rust which creates holes and allows water to pour directly into the passenger side. I had the same problem when I had my sunbird.
I had that exact problem. The previous owner of my 92 had slapped bondo in the crack/hole, and a girl (who couldn't see over the wheel) hit me and knocked it off. Next rain i had wet carpet. Use silicon to seal up in there, clean out drains, and you should be fine. You may have to replace your carpet pad, I did. I also pack towels just to be safe......
where are the drains mark. I haven't really gotten to fixing this problem yet. One time at work i had it apart but shop had to close, so i buttoned everything up again. That was a couple of weeks ago. I should get to it soon. Once its done, i will let you guys know how it went.
2003 Cavalier 2dr. 5spd