well its not teh Z24 its my 90 cav(2.2 TBI automatic) it seems after it sits for 1-2 hrs or over night its kind of a bitch to start,while ur crankin it over it makes that clickin noise as if u where hookin up the battery and disconnecting it quickly( u know whatim talkin about?)also im not positive but i think the interior light flickers as ur cranking it(not positive though),could it be a bad ground or something?i have a brand new battery in it and last time i checked it while it was runnin it was at 14.5 volts,but that was lastyear as i had the same problem but never fixed it as i parked it and took my Z24 out as it was gettin ince out lol im thinking its a gorund problem but im not certain,1 reason why i think it is cause my engine bay full of grease @!#$ form the oil spray the previous owner who got it oil gaurded and perhaps some gummed up the grounds?
FDP 62MM TB, FFP Performance Chip, FFP Underdrive Pully, WAI, Hi Flow Cat, 2.5" Catback, Functional Ram Air Hood, Centerforce Dual Friction Clutch
maby bad alternator? if not then probly a ground like u said.
<img src="http://www.bstuff.com/uploads/post-14-1121828144.jpg">
It may very well be a ground but i would go with the alternator first. Grease in my opinion doesn't really cause a problem unless it deals with drivability. If the alternator doesn't fix it then i would check the grounds. I'll look more into it for you.
try this if you havent yet.
1. remove battery terminals and clean them, both the cable terminals and the terminals on the battery.
2. make sure everything is tight fitting on those terminals.
3. make sure everything is still tight on the starter solenoid.
4. try getting a set of jumper cables and clamping one the the battery ground and the other end of the same cable the the engine block. this adds an extra ground path for current to follow if you have a grounding problem.
5. Start another car next to yours and connect the batteries from both cars so that the running car will charge up your battery. let it sit like this for 10-15 minutes, then while everything is still connected try jump starting your car.
6. if you get it running check the alternator.
Keep us posted.
what about the crank position senser
Hi Mike
^^^^with Scrufdog-if you follow his procedure it should cure/reveal the problem.If not, try this.
I think the alternator is OK as there are no symptoms of a bad one listed.The clicking noise is the classic sound of a bad connection/low battery. A bad electrical connection can occur on a bolted connection even if it is tight-it has to be clean and tight.
If you could connect up the multimeter/voltmeter to read the voltage:-
(1) Before you crank, but ignition ON------12/12.5 ish volts
(2) Whilst cranking------------------------------Not lower than 9 volts
(3) Then the 14.5 volts once the engine is running and the alternator charging
Your problem should be pinpointed
(2) Is a practical Load Test of the battery, nothing else on the car takes as many amps in such a short time.
Hope this helps