ok boys and girls. my wife is coming home in my car(93 2.2 5 speed cav.) i get a frantic call that the car has no go and is barely making it to 25mph. i tell her go easy on her and just get her home. she pulls in the car was running awful. chugging ,loud, no gumption to go, almost stalling, smelling like raw fuel. look under and the cat is bright red. easy enough right. today i replaced the cat, the exhaust pipe after the cat and the muffler. fired her up..........still runs like @!#$. take her for a quick less than 2 minute drive up the road and im shooting flames . melted my lovely black VL bumper and the cat is cherry red again!!!!! im no newbie to cars but would like a few opinions.
i will post a pick of my bumper. although i really dont find it to humorous right now someone might. when i say melted i mean melted
any help would be great guys.
dam uh did you try the fuel injectors they might b mecanicly stuck open
that is where i would start. you also may have a compression problem. start with the injectors first. if that doesn't help, you have 2 choices after that. One, dish out the money to find the problem or Two, get rid of the car. i hate to say that but it's your call. i'll look more into it for you.
sounds like its misfireing its fireing when the exhaust valve is open letting it ignite the fuel and push it through the exhaust pipe.or one cylinder is not fireing at all just pushing raw fuel into the exhaust. check all cylinders and see if they are all fireing.
ive got spark and fuel injectors are good. one of my first thoughts was compression, how do i go about checking it? i was also told it may be the temp sensor is bad. whats your thoughts on that..
oh yeah the thoughts on the temp sensor is that because its not functioning properly that its telling the motor its still cold and it keeps dumping fuel? thats his theory anyway. im getting the feeling thats not it because it would be way to simple
im not getting a c.e.l. or anything.
you can go to an auto part store and get a tool you can rent to get compression. all you do is take out the spark plugs one at a time and turn the key over and se if it has good compression.