damn thats purty, hopefully it comes from the factory in decent quality, they doing the entire kit so it flows or now?
That's decent, but you won't be the first J-body to own it... The car they built it on (the one in the pictures) will
thats wicked dude, oh well... i have my FX Designs kit, and i'll be happy with it once i can get it installed on the car
i still like the "black widow" design better.... the new one looks more like a blitz or a square version of the survior
idk man... it just doesn't flow with the front end by any means. taking a box and making it a point isn't the best idea... but what eva u like...
i can't afford to try it.
so .. uhh , wheres these spare front bumper gonna go? *canadian with sunbird looking for bumper*
i think a point would look good on mine
"I live my life a quarter mile at a time..." "for those ten seconds or less I'm free"
depends on how soon, i still have to outfit the stereo and get it on the road by the middle of july, but i am interested... keep me updated, and i'll let you know how things are going out my way
"I live my life a quarter mile at a time..." "for those ten seconds or less I'm free"
many thanx
glad to see someoen has me in mind for something lol!!!! right now i'm working on fiberglassing my rear speaker deck, trying to figure some stuff out and it's not working but i'll get it eventually....
and i'll post pics too i guess :-p peace 4 now arch
"I live my life a quarter mile at a time..." "for those ten seconds or less I'm free"