I finally got some pics of my car..i'll try to post them, but if it doesn't work, could someone tell me how to post them? Thanks
Well, I would have had to join to see your pics, so I'll tell you how to post them-
click the button that looks like this-

and then type the address for the pic in the box that pops up (you can find the address by right clicking on the pic and clicking properties, then copy and paste the address into the box). Then click "OK" and you're done. Leave a line between each pic so its easier to see them, and hit the preview button thats next to the post button to make sure they show up.
pound it on it's nutz and it'd be all over it
thanks alot guys. This car used to be my grandfathers, and was never driven. It has a few problems here ans there but hey, its 13 years old. And it only has 70,XXX kms on her...NUTS!!!
Looks good... what are some of your other plans for it?
James, if you don't mind me asking... Where did you get/how did you make, those eye lids for your head lights? Thanks.
right now i'm trying to find a full ground effects kit from a 91+ z24 to fit to my car with the hood...and then lower it, ans paint it..not spray bomb lol
saw pictures on website---very nice car