If my luck couldn't get any worse. I have a 93 z24 5 speed. I just got done putting in a performance clutch and other little things here and there. Today i was on the freeway, when i noticed that my oil gauge needle drop quick and then went back up. By the time i got off the freeway i heard a real bad knocking. And it would only knock when it would hit high rpms when shifting. i just changed the oil on it so i know there's oil in there and the plug is on tight as well as the filter. So far from dealerships around my area they say a lifter or oil pump. Any suggestions or ideas would be helpful and appreciated.
may be oil pump/or sending unit.
Don't drive it till you fix it, low/no oil pressure is the best way to seize up your engine. It sounds like you should replace the oil pump, if you just had a bad sending unit the gauge would be your only problem. The girl I bought my sunbird off of let her oil pump disintegrate then drove it till it locked up. When I took the pump apart the gears were smashed into individual pieces lol
<img src="http://www.geocities.com/fudd_22602/elmer-shoot.gif"> Old school Js rock
Is it making the knocking sound at idle?
Even faintly?
1991 3.1L V6 Sunbird LE
Full Interior...3-Speed Automatic.
Satisfied Customer of:
it will make the knocking sound when you start it and it's loud as hell. I'll make you guys laugh with info i got from this one guy i know. he said that i blew the engine. I started laughing in his face when he said that the car still ran when this happened to me. And if anyone is from the youngstown area i was on 680 when it went. the car still had it's horsepower but i didn't run it hard when it started making the noise. Right now it's in my garage, waiting for me to fix it. I'll let you guys know what it was as soon as i get under there and see. Thanks for the help guys.
Does it sound like one of the cylinders is missing? Could be a bad lifter or broken rocker arm.
<img src="http://www.geocities.com/fudd_22602/elmer-shoot.gif"> Old school Js rock
If the knocking sound is like knocking on a door, that's rod knock. It's a deep tone that increases pitch with rpm. If that's the case, you need too tear the motor down. The 3.1 oil pumps seem too be real prone too pickup tube "falling" out issues. It's just pressed in normally, but I weld them in place. I've seen several cars loose their pickup tubes.
91' Turbo Z24
how difficult would it be to replace the oil pump cause i know now that that is the problem and the knocking the the rod not getting any oil to it. (my neighbor is a mechanic but he doesn't know @!#$ about cavaliers). Should i take it in or well it be easy to replace.
The pump itself is relatively easy too get too and replace, but if you have run the rod bearings without enough oil, they probably are damaged anyways. Basically all you have too do is drop the starter, and remove the oil pan, it will come out without a lot of trouble (drain the oil first). You can then check the rod bearings and main bearings without pulling the motor (I do this on my car every year or so just too be safe). You you do have any significant bearing wear or one is spun, you would need too pull the motor.
91' Turbo Z24
This might sound funny. but did you check the oil? THis happened to my car and it was because there was no oil in it at all. It was weird cause i had just changed the oil in it like am onth ago too. Try that you never know.
<img src="http://rage.webspiffy.com/images/sig.jpg">
Well i changed the the oil pump yesterday and the car is still knocking. It won't knock at idle, but it will knock when you hit the gas. Would this be the rod bearings? Cause if it is, will be they be easy to take out if i drop the oil pan again, or will i have to pull the engine? I mean i love my car but im getting to the point where im going to shoot the crap out of it with a gun, or just sell it out for parts.
Thanks again guys. You've been alot of help. And if you got any questions for me about z24's that don't pertain to internal engine problems ask away.
Would this be the rod bearings? Cause if it is, will be they be easy to take out if i drop the oil pan again, or will i have to pull the engine?
All I can tell you is by the noise it makes. If it sounds like knocking on a solid wood door, that is most likely rod knock (it has a really specific tone). If that is the case, the crank is most likely also damaged, which means pulling the motor too fix.
91' Turbo Z24