i know this cant be good, but it seems i have a problem....my oil is quite a cloudy color and the car smokes a lot....its mostly white smoke, is this a cracked block or head....it would be nice if u told me it wasnt but i got a good feeling it is
87 sunbird GT
79 RX7
coule be a headgasket or cracked head.
how much work is it to change one on the 3.1? and is there anyway to test and see or to know for sure?
87 sunbird GT
79 RX7
Do a compression check on each cylinder with a compression tool.That is the best way in addition to low coolant level or milky oil when u change it.
well is there anything else that it could be...even though that seems highly unlikely. and whats a good compression for the 3.1?
87 sunbird GT
79 RX7
Well based on my book reading 100psi is the minimum or 30 percent between cylinders.Based on book info a average vacuum gauge should read between 17-22 inches of vacuum with a fairly steady gauge needle at idle.I did not see anything more specific but,using a manaul like haynes for our js will take u step by step on the how to.The book #38015 sold both at advance and auto zone if u do not have one.I am not a engine no all person but,regardless this info is accurate and recomm the manual for further specifics and hope this helps.U can always cheat and buy a bottle of the stop leak made by BARS for the cooling system and it WILL stop a head gasket from leaking and see if that helps,but again its not a complete resolve for the real problem eventually espec if the gasket is beyond a quick fix.I am guessing u prolly need the hd gasket,since the cars not overheating thats good at least,hope that the gasket is the issue and not a cracked head.Bars stop leak works it sealed my waterpump up on my mazda and NO problems and that was 3yrs ago.
anyone know anything about frost plugs? and could that be a cause?
87 sunbird GT
79 RX7
You mean freeze plugs that screw into the block.And those in NO way would cause the problem u decscribed of for the most part any issue with cars running condition.All the air in the cooling system is bleed out thru the top of the radiator cap fill area ,since the coolant tank is almost the same height the air escapes with the rad cap off and engine running at normal temp and if u did a coolant flush u would need to ensure the rad cap is off while the car is running at idle U will c little bubbles come up over 10 to 15 minutes.In any case air pockets on any car will rise to the highest point to fill the cooling system which varies on each cars design wether it b the radiator cap on the rad or the radiator cap being on the coolant resev.
i have another tool suggestion perform a cylinder leakdown test to pinpoint that leak