what has happened to all of the tech threads ? this forum is starting to look like and e-bay advirtisment
Ummm I wonder the last thing I posted was for anyone with a tbi injecter one that is about auto zone has the wrong part for the 1985 application.Advance carries the correct part and works awesome.So for those who have one injector keep this in mind to avoid the b/s I went thru when I went to change mine and have the exxon valdese pouring az loads of gas into my tbi.I post things relevant to things I have done or found that may b useful for those looking for something or some issues revolving around maintenance of the 85 with a 2.0 or similar model.Weeee kinda do see alot of ebay post here tho.
I posted about an RS convertible for $25 because I'm hoping I can score some parts from it -- if anybody buys it. I would buy it myself except I'm in CA and it is in michigan. I figure 1800 - 2000 miles is just to far to go to get a car without a title. If he had the pink slip I would consider it.
If anybody on this forum buys it and wants to sell parts contact me. I just scored 2 emblems that say, '"Cavalier RS" on Ebay.
Grant Johnston, Chico, CA
parts or getting rare to find when ever there is something wort looking for it's nice for other to know
Yep, its just another way we're all looking out for each other with parts. Besides, this forum really doesn't stay "busy" with much else. If you want tech, start taking pics and writing up things.
-Daryl Scott
<A HREF="http://www.geocities.com/doctorsvt/cav.html">*86 Cavalier RS convertible
<A HREF="http://www.geocities.com/doctorsvt/scx.html">*92 Olds Achieva SCX- SOLD...sort of.
<A HREF="http://www.geocities.com/doctorsvt/cobra.html">*98 Mustang SVT Cobra #503</A>
<A HREF="http://www.geocities.com/doctorsvt/sarahcav.html">*01 Cavalier LS Sedan</A>
<A HREF="http://www.geocities.com/doctorsvt/cav.html"><img src="http://www.j-body.org/registry/monkeyspunk79/thumbnail_suncav.JPG"></A> <A HREF="http://www.geocities.com/doctorsvt/scx.html"><img src="http://www.j-body.org/registry/monkeyspunk79/thumbnail_SCX%20side.JPG"> </A> <A HREF="http://www.geocities.com/doctorsvt/scx.html">
<A HREF="http://www.geocities.com/doctorsvt">Top Down, Tank Full, Pockets Empty
I wish I had took pics of the auto zone fuel injector versus the advance auto injector to show the difference in the appearance.The auto zone fit fine but the filter is made into the bottom of the injector instead of a slip on like our eom version.But at least I realized the difference while doing the work and took it back.I think auto zone has the inject for the 2.0 wrong in there parts and it's for another application even tho it fits.Nothing like finding out the hard way but,at least its right NOW.Maybe we should start doing pics of projects relevant to our rides so others have a idea of what to expect or do in the future.
i've got some pics to throw up this weekend, some visual eyecandy and some new toys/mods on the car.
1st 1st gen on air.....
I should have totally done a writeup on the TCC solenoid job I just did. But I have this fear of ruining my nice digital camera in the filthy garage...ya know?
-Daryl Scott
<A HREF="http://www.geocities.com/doctorsvt/cav.html">*86 Cavalier RS convertible
<A HREF="http://www.geocities.com/doctorsvt/scx.html">*92 Olds Achieva SCX- SOLD...sort of.
<A HREF="http://www.geocities.com/doctorsvt/cobra.html">*98 Mustang SVT Cobra #503</A>
<A HREF="http://www.geocities.com/doctorsvt/sarahcav.html">*01 Cavalier LS Sedan</A>
<A HREF="http://www.geocities.com/doctorsvt/cav.html"><img src="http://www.j-body.org/registry/monkeyspunk79/thumbnail_suncav.JPG"></A> <A HREF="http://www.geocities.com/doctorsvt/scx.html"><img src="http://www.j-body.org/registry/monkeyspunk79/thumbnail_SCX%20side.JPG"> </A> <A HREF="http://www.geocities.com/doctorsvt/scx.html">
<A HREF="http://www.geocities.com/doctorsvt">Top Down, Tank Full, Pockets Empty
I just bought some new rear shocks the monroe sensa trac today.I hope to install tommorrow but,pics ummm maybe its really not a difficult task I would think for most peps.I am planning to relpace the front struts as well with monroes new quick strut, this is a complete assembly that includes the strut,new spring, bearing,mount all in one.All u have to is remove the old and install that's it,neat huh average price is around 169.00 at advance for my ride a piece.Got to save up for those.
Well the shocks on the rear are gonna have to wait I decided to replace the shock mounts on the top that go into the inside and seal out crap,the rubber is cracking.SO I ordered new one's made by monroe should have them tommrrw.I think I am gonna splurge and by new springs for the rear to hopefully in a week or two,their like 58.00 bucks at advance.OL the fun to a better ride,too bad I did not realize this prior to pulling off the wheel and seeing the wear factor.
Installed the new shocks and mounts today,whoa the fun and went ahead and even polished the wheels a little on the backsides not much diff but at least there clean.I am planning on doing my springs next and one of the shocks was shot leaked fluid all itself what a mess it made,dang and to think they were just worn out,it was dead.I have some pics but will wait till I do the springs and show all of it.What fun and less than two hrs of time to do cleaning was most of it vesus installing the shocks and mounts.SO maybe by next weekend NEW springs I hope gotta order them so I guess my check will decide that one.
spring cleaning Ron ?, i guess im gonna need a new rear suspenison soon too
Indeed I am springing into the rear suspension and replacing all those worn out parts.In fact I checked my receipts that my sis gave me when I bought the car from her and the struts and shocks were last done in 93 ouch.So nxt week I am buying new springs for sure only 58.00 bux and then comes the front.I plan on replacing it ALL strut springs and bearings comes all in in one u just remove the whole assembly and replace it,SWEET.Next will be all new brake system and I mean everything drums pads springs calipers rotors etc.This car will stop on half a dime once I am broke but stopping,the brakes are ok but I am redoing everything little by little.
My 87 rs is going through the same right now. Suspension and brakes were tired, so out with the old and in with the new.
Getting the springs monday,had to order them so soon the car will not float around like it does now.The new rear shocks do ride good tho.
Have new rear springs but not yet installed,I will do that prolly this coming wkend so I post up some lovely pics of the new hi tech stock springs,by the way they cost 70.00 at the advance auto for any one who's interested in the cost.
Just finished my rear suspension on the 87. Only thing holding this car up from being finished is I need to mount the 21 mm rear sway bar and replace a brake line. Final coat of paint on the bar goes on tonight. Also, discovered that the right rear brake line was crimped. No wonder the rear brakes were working like crap. So I need to buy a new line and a bender.
Tom- can you put a Z24 sway bar on a rear axle that didn't come with one? How do they attach? Did you have to drill & tap holes somewhere?
I've got one of those fancy PLAIN axles
Finally springs will be installed this WEEKEND,after much other crap I finally have the time to put the damn things on.I will take some drooling pics of NEW stock springs and post up the new and improved cav ride setup on the rear this weekend wooohoooo.
well if there is anybody in the southern Ontario area that needs parts, I have an '84 and an '86, both for parts, not looking to sell just since I have done the front end swap I have ~ 3 front ends that are not in use.
Yes you can put a sway bar on cars that did not come with one. The bars attach in 4 places. At the ends, via tabs and clips and in the middle with straps. All you need to get is the generic sway bar hardware and the specific bushings for your size bar. You do not need to dril any holes. There are slots in the bottom of the rear cradle. This is were the outer clips go in.
By the way my car is done and back on the road. I couldn't get the caster angle perfect when lining it up. The setting calls for +.7 to +2.7. All I can get is +.4 My plan is to put a few miles on it before messing with it again.

New springs versus old see a lil difference. [IMG]

This is the rhs lower mount a little rusted but ok,I will do some repair work to clean it up.[IMG]

Here is the LHS where's the mount umm all rusted and gone,I am repairing this and will b good as new by sunday.[IMG]

This is the product I am using to fix the lower spring mount thats gone but,soon it will reappear.I am planning on stripping the paint on the rear axle and priming and repaint.This job took a real turn from something simple to a true project.I will post pics once complete.
Mine weren't the cleanest either. However, the rubber bushing doesn't really need all that much to seat. The spring and weight of the car holds it in position fairly well.