man that really sucks.
looks like there was plenty of survival room for you, good for that.
Hit a deer myself in fall of 1998 with a two week old brand new Saturn. Did $6500 worth of damage. Lucky because a deer is a better target than a moose. .
Hope you can save the old vert!
Wow man, sorry to hear about that
I'm sure you can fix it, but finding the parts will be hardest part.
Currently there are no first gens in any of the yards around my area. I'll keep an eye out for one though and be glad to help you get anything I can that will help you repair it, if I see any.
You can try Maybe there is something near you.
That really sucks!!!!
and there was an 84 2 door coupe in my nearby yard a couple months ago...gone now...
I did get the grill... that's all.
87 RS Convertible - 2.8V6 - 3-Speed Auto, Digital Dash - Complete LED / HID Conversion - Alarm/Keyless Entry
That sucks Mathew, sorry to see that, looks like a lot of damage. I am getting ready to sell my 86 z24 convertable ( very rare) and 2 87's ( 1 five speed and 1 auto) I'd like to sell them all together for $3500.00 but might split them up.Roger.
That damage is pretty strong.I can guarantee the insurance would total it out due the age of the car for sure over cost.I think your upper radiator support beam took a bad hit and that is welded in.I will not speculate on the cost as just with the picture you need quite a bit just to fix the obvious and the underlying problems that are yet to be seen.Good luck on what ever your decision is.
Such a shame.
Much sympathy and a little advice - I suggest a donor would be the most practical solution since there will be all kinds of hidden surprises in the rebuild. I am not smart enough to know if a Coupe would provide the proper parts you need vs. another Convertible.
I do know John Masson has a very good Convertible up for grabs you could get very reasonable for repairs, although the drivetrain would be incompatible with your own.
If I were in your shoes I'd be on the fence for some time trying to decide exactly what to do - between heart and wallet. I hope you live in a location that allows you to keep something like this parked at home for awhile without local Ordinances and Police harassing you to remove it. If so you have plenty of time to mull over some options. If not more than likely your local Government will probably decide the issue for you , unfortunately.
Also an idea - if you have the storage space - it might me far easier to simply strip this car of all usable parts and find a good running driver out there. Keep the parts left on this car for spares to use on the next one.
I am glad at least you didn't get hurt in the accident. It is far easier to replace the car my friend!
Hello Orlen,
I start a private page on Facebook the name is Chevrolet Cavalier first generation / première génération you are welcome!