Thought I would post here and see if anybody would be interested in this stripe kit. No Buick part number but it came from Buick Distribution Center in Troy Michigan. There are 11 decals two are pin stripes and the rest are big and vary in size from 34" to 50". There is a 28" Hawk decal for the hood. I would assume the adhesive is no good but if someone wanted to have copies made I'm sure that would be possible from this set.
I'm a Skyhawk fan and have three but they are H bodies. I found this NOS kit and the previous owner thought they were for the H body. After looking at them the two decals for the doors have the handle and lock cut out. The cut outs are side by side where the H body has the lock under the handle so I believe they are first Gen J body. The style is very similar to some of the H body decals there are decals for each side down the entire car. Definitely Buick!
I paid $65.00 plus shipping and I will post pictures if someone is interested. First come first serve, there are no instructions but all decals have a description for placement except the pin stripes. I hope someone here is familiar with the kit and could fill me in on it.
I'll take pictures of one complete side and the hood Hawk decal and post them soon.
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Those are definitely for the J Body SkyHawk. The letter font indicates that as the H body had a cursive script for the logo and a different looking hawk.
Can't wait to see more pics of these, I've only recently heard of the existence about this dealer added option and never saw it before.
While not something I'm looking to buy, I am curious how wide that stripe is for the side of the car, I'm thinking it could only be 3.5 - 4 inches because of body contours, etc.
Very interesting and rare find!
I'll take pics tonight, glad somebody has heard about it! Brian
There are also pen stripes and I'm sorry the pictures don't look any better than this. The rear panel for the right side has a cut out for the gas cap that lets you put that part of the decal on it. It should go Front Fender, Door, Rear Quarter Front (Skyhawk by Buick) and then Rear Quarter. I'm not sure how this last one (Rear Quarter) lines up or where the pen stripes go. The Hawk is cool and I think the color is gold but since there are no instruction where on the hood I don't know. Brian
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- stripes.jpg (41k)
When you have "rear panel", do you mean the bumper? It just doesn't seem to match up with any of the others. The SkyHawk has a split bumper with the license plate in the middle, so I guess that would make sense on shape/placement, but I just can't picture that looking good. Almost like the reflective yellow/black striping on police car rear bumpers.
Looks like fender, door and rear quarter all match together to go down the side of the car. With all that, I'm not sure how the pinstripes would work with those also being on the car.
That hood hawk is from the hawk Buick was using in their commercials at the time. It wouldn't work out so well for a turbo hood. Reminds me of what I saw on a DAE H-body SkyHawk (was it DAE?).
Interesting stuff there.
When I asked about the width of the stripe, I probably should've asked "height" From the pictures, it looks to me like it would be four inches.
I think the "rear panel" is for the rear of the quarter panel. The RH "rear panel" decal has a cut out for the gas cap. If I remember correctly the "rear quarter" decal also says front. So both go on the rear quarter one in the front half and the other on the back half.
The Designer Accent Edition Skyhawk did have a hood hawl decal but not anything like this one. If you have every heard of the Explorer Post 504 Skyhawk (1976 I think) they used a Hawk on the hood similar to this one.
I just threw the tape measure in there but I think you are correct for the width/height at 4".
I would bet Buick advertised this kit and there should be something out there for it. Hopefully I'll run into it!
Brian Jackson wrote:I'm not sure how this last one (Rear Quarter)I should have said Rear Panel
Sorry getting a little mixed up! Hopefully these pics will help.
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Rear Qtr LH Front.jpg (36k)
Designer Accent Edition Skyhawk and the Explorers Post 504.
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That is one mean looking car!
I put it all together, but i just can't picture the back piece matching up with the piece with the gas tank filler cut out.
Strange thing is, I met someone a few months ago that told me his fathers hawk had these decals. I'll show him the pics next time I see him and see what he can remember.
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I'll take a picture of that decal with the gas cap cut out and post it soon.
I'm guessing this would go above the gas cap.
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