Can you tell by looking at this pic what is missing from my transmission shifter? Is it a hard plastic thing that rolls when you shift or a brush-like attachment that hides the guts of the shifter, or something else entirely? I'm almost certain Cimarrons didn't come this way from the factory and I'm looking to replace it.
BTW: lots of new pics added to the
Photos & Media portion of this website.
1988 Cadillac Cimarron
I think it's the brush like thing, but since I've never had a Cimmeron I could be wrong.
If I remember correctly from my Cimarron it is a thin plastic that slides down when you shift the trans.
This is one that I had back a few years ago.
What is it on the first generation Cavaliers? I'm thinking that would probably fit too.
1988 Cadillac Cimarron
There is a curved plastic piece that goes over the shaft. The 88-90 cavaliers use it.
I... can't remember what my '86 Cavi has. It might be a rolling plastic piece. I'll have to check.
A C wrote:I... can't remember what my '86 Cavi has. It might be a rolling plastic piece. I'll have to check.
My 86 has the rolling piece of plastic in it to cover that gap.
This is the plastic shield in the cavalier.