After 8 months of my spare time my Sunbird is back on the road as my daily driver. My fiero was purchased last fall as a stand-in because I knew how much I would miss my car. It is a 40K one owner that is great fun to drive but my Sunbird is my favorite. Back driving the last 2 weeks and it is amazing how people react to it now, it never got a look before. Thanks to those who helped with parts along the way. Still a few details to be done. But after being stripped to the metal and straightened, new paint, top, carpet, an added louvered hood it looks great.





Great job! Looks really nice...
Just nice and simple awesome my friend.I being a clean fanatic and very exact in my ways can totally appreciate both your rides.I would ramble more but the truck driving day is wearing on me.
BEAUTIFUL photos!! These 2 machines compliment each other in an AWESOME way!!
Love the color of your Sunbird too! That is one beautiful Convertible!! You have done one Helluva job !!!
I can relate to your experiences . Many , many years ago I was very lucky to have owned at the same time a Toyota MR2 AND Porsche 944 !! The Toyota was a beautiful machine but the driving experience just wasn't quite there - kind if a vanilla experience if you know what I mean? The 944 ran on rail road tracks and was great fun to drive but really didn't fit the good ole country boy that I am deep down inside. As I grow older I find myself really enjoying these J-Bodies as much as I enjoy the tinker time on them.
But forget about all that - I'd keep these 2 together JUST like you have them - it a very special and rare combination!! Thanks for sharing your photos Philip!!
You ought to get yourself a little "Pontiac Parking Only" Sign made and stick it up in your driveway!!
just beautiful cars, outstanding example you have there. i would be proud to have them both. i love the unique color of the sunbird and to find all those parts that are exclusive to that car is a real acomplishment. those fieros always intrested me and you can find them in pretty good shape for reasonable prices, and there seems to be a lot of them around with a pretty good aftermarket and online resources. i like the look of the earlier models best. any advice as to what i should look for and what kind of issues they have if i would buy one?
John, you are right about the Fieros. They are not hard to find like J body cars. Low mileage examples even seem not hard to find.3-5k will buy a nice one. Like Js the fuel pumps go bad, the rear calipers are problematic if it has been sitting and watch for rust in the structure rails on each side of the engine. The 85 and up had the V6 available. I am quite happy with mine being an 84 and matching my Sunbird. The little 4cyl actually is great with the performance 4.10 gear for my running around in my business. Parts are widely available, unlike Jbody cars. But spend the time and look, don't buy the first one you see. There are lots of real nice one that can be bought. The Indy Pace car version of 84 is a real eye-catcher. I love the black car. The lady who bought it new cried when I towed it away. It had been sitting in a barn and then garage for 11 years and the fuel tank got rusty inside and fuel pump was inop. The car had 35k on it when I bought it a year ago and I have driven it daily. I converted the A/C to 134 and everything works great! But I was so glad to get my Sunbird back. It is much easier to get in and out of!
i have seen a couple of that indy version for sale around here, it is great looking with a fantastic interior. i was just too busy with my other cars to pull the trigger. now that the hawk is done i am going to refresh my wifes rs convertable but i think i will wait awhile becuase it is nice having the garage back and with winter comming i have some snow removal equipent and other things to take care of first the fiero is definetly on my list though along with a few others i would like
85 mustang gt convertable
chevy corvair
74 nova car right after highschool
late 80s dodge daytona turbo
one of those early to mid 60s pick-ups with the van front-end
60 -64impala also had one in highschool
almost any rambler.. learned to drive in one
i know i have a weird list but i like the odd and orphan cars
Man - that Sunbird is a sweet color combo. I wanted to ask you about your washer bottle. Did you lower it? Mine would not fit with the brace so I relocated it behind the battery like they did in 85. Looks like you have a cruise servo there now so that may not be an option.
Sweet hood pad by the way!
Very nice pixs of the under hood action.For some reason that strut bar seems familiar too me.Long day and just wiped out.
Love the color combo on the Sunbird. Where did you get the top and did you replace it yourself?
There are a couple of pieces from Ron under the hood. I still have to modify my strut brace and add 2 tab brackets I made to drop my washer bottle slightly and clear the brace. The color is the original Briar Brown but is a base-clear application instead of the single-stage metallic that was the original lacquer finish. It is a stunning copper in the sun and darker in the shade. The top is a custom made Dark Brown Stayfast fabric instead of the pvc original. And I did put it on. All the work was done by me in many hours and weekends. I am glad to be at the finish line. Just a few tweaks to go.
It is very humbling to be in the company of so many wonderful restorers and their high quality results!! So amazing!!
Reminds me of someone riding a Suzuki in a pack of Harleys.....Hahaa!!
Also - so inspiring!!

I have to say that everyone who posts here and their ongoing enthusiasm is a great encouragement in the middle of a project. I have enjoyed reading here for years and there are few left who love these little cars. I have owned Pontiacs from SD455 Trans Am, 69 Firebird 400, 66-70 GTO including a 69 RA IV Judge (a 7yr resto) but years later this car was one I missed and I got the convertible I wanted back then. It has been a journey and finding parts has been like looking for GTO parts years ago before all the repro parts came out. And I think I have found that it is the journey that makes it so enjoyable. This is a great little group of guys.
I love that it is brown. Looking good man.
PRND321 Till I DIE
Old Motor: 160whp & 152ft/lbs, 1/4 Mile 15.4 @88.2
M45 + LD9 + 4T40-E, GO GO GO
Phil, i cant tell from your recent pics but i remember a dealers tag from west bend wi on your car from some past shots. do you know if your car was originally purchased from there? if so, that dealer is still in business and uses the same tag. it would be kind of cool to have on there. i bet they would send you one if you ask. it was bob fish gm west bend wi