Many Congrats!!
All that HARD work paid off!!
GRANDMA never looked so GOOD!! Just realizing you got the 2 bucket with the Z-ground effects going on - I bet that was an interesting bit of work!! I prefer your mono-color Z-hood too, it is much more classy - not "over the top".
That is just priceless to win others who can value a cool ride (cool azz imo) and just congrats.Pretty tired so short it is.
You've also got that rare "3rd brake light" on your hatch. That Hatch also has the optional wiper on it too!! Just little tidbits that I'm sure you went to great lengths to find and install.
Dunno if these things contributed to your win , but I can certainly appreciate your work and rarity of the package - truly 1 of a kind!! WOW!!
Nice work! Glad others could appreciate it as we do!

"In Oldskool we trust"
LOVE the first black hatchback. The noses on those cars were so cool !
The 2000 Z-24 wheels really look right on that car too !
I wonder if Chevy sold more of those cars in Canada than they did in the US. You practically never see cars of that vintage here.
Although, you never see cars like my '85 Cav running around here much either, LOL...
Congrats on the trophy !

~ Mike ~
Have to agree with Mike on the Hatch. That is a sweet looking car. Had a hand me down 83 Cav hatch company car with a 4 speed at my first full time job back in 1984. Back then they were just throw away cars like the Escorts and the Horizons.
Congrats Pierre!
Just a BIG WOW!!!!! If you get cut I think you would bleed little J letters at least I know I do!!!
Interesting how the one-light nose on the Cavy there looks much more like the sunbird/skyhawk nose from the side.
I can't help but notice in your 6th photo you have 2 more 3rd Gens peeing out from the garage - very classy!!
WOW that sure is 1 CLEAN 4 door!! This fellow just OOOZES with J!! TWO Hatchbacks - - -
It is so nice to see these - what a special treat !
Sorry - I gotta go now . Gotta wash off all the green! Hahaa!!