Ok, I have been doing some digging and finding out who might be interested in making some parts for our cars...
I am working with a company to get prices on making replacement window sweeps for my Sunbird. Is anyone else interested in this if it gets going? I am starting off by sending them the rear sweeps that I got from Ron a while ago. Lets get a count going by set (both sides):
Door sweeps - Convertible - Chrome - 1
Door sweeps - Convertible - Black
Door sweeps - Coupe - Chrome
Door sweeps - Coupe - Black
Rear sweeps - Convertible - Chrome - 1
Rear sweeps - Convertible - Black
Rear sweeps - Coupe - Chrome
Rear sweeps - Coupe - Black
I want to give them an idea of what potential demand might be. Please take the text above and cut and paste it into your response and increment the count where needed.
You can count me me in for one set each.
Also depending on price I
might buy a second set for my brown car.
Door sweeps - Convertible - Chrome - 2
Door sweeps - Convertible - Black
Door sweeps - Coupe - Chrome
Door sweeps - Coupe - Black
Rear sweeps - Convertible - Chrome -2
Rear sweeps - Convertible - Black
Rear sweeps - Coupe - Chrome
Rear sweeps - Coupe - Black
I would be down for a set for a coupe and a vert depending on price, I may make my own.
On the inside my car looks like a fighter jet.
Paul.... what about hatchbacks... only have the doors on them.
Hey Alan-
Hatches are not my strong suit
Assuming they are the same as the coupe door parts. Are they different?
I shipped the rears out today so we will see what they have to say.
With my car about to get new paint I would love to have a set.!!!!!
Door sweeps - Convertible - Chrome - 3
Door sweeps - Convertible - Black
Door sweeps - Coupe - Chrome
Door sweeps - Coupe - Black
Rear sweeps - Convertible - Chrome -3
Rear sweeps - Convertible - Black
Rear sweeps - Coupe - Chrome
Rear sweeps - Coupe - Black
I have an NOS driver door coupe sweep if we need to let them use it.. All of mine are off right now.
I would be interested for my 84 Bird.
Door sweeps - Convertible - Chrome - 1
Rear sweeps - Convertible - Chrome - 1
The coupe door and hatchback doors are the same--all doors are the same across all 1st gen models, even the skins match (thank you motorman for teaching me that one). The difference would be the vertical placement of the horizontal "belt". It is lower on the Cavy than on the SkyHawk; I don't know about the others.
I'd take a coupe set of black (door/d-shaped flip-out windows)
The hatchback has triangle shaped windows behind the doors, I don't know if there's a piece to go there like there is on the coupe.
My Pop is at a conference right now, but I'm pretty sure he'd be down for a set of black ones for the '86, and maybe a chrome for the '85 as a backup. This is great news, Paul. Thanks for doing this for the group!
Happy to be of assistance here - I will let you guys know as soon as i hear something.
Yeah I'd love to have a set for mine.
Door sweeps - Convertible - Chrome - 5
Door sweeps - Convertible - Black
Door sweeps - Coupe - Chrome
Door sweeps - Coupe - Black
Rear sweeps - Convertible - Chrome -5
Rear sweeps - Convertible - Black
Rear sweeps - Coupe - Chrome
Rear sweeps - Coupe - Black
ok - I followed up with repops today and have some news. Repops indicates that they mave most of the soft parts available for our cars, just not the window sweeps/belt trim. I have not confirmed this yet but it is good to know. He also mentioned that all of these cars were callled "J" cars

The Bad - The methods used to put this part together, the molding, then attaching of the clips and endcaps is beyond what repops is willing to do in their faciity.

They guy I spoke with has my spare set (that I got from Ron of course) and is going to work on them in his own time and try and come up with something. This is not the news I was looking for. I was hoping they would look at a Cadillac Eldorado or some other GM they already do and modify that part to fit our cars.
The Possibly Good - He is going to work on it and send me some pics and I will share with you guys. If it is something we agree on, he will make/recondition these for us.
I was all fired up to get something NOS looking, but this may be the best alternative if it works out.
Stay Tuned!
Thanks Paul for time and effort you put into this.
I think maybe we will have to face the fact that we are on our own. Probably just find a spare set of chrome trim and try what has already been posted here. I think Terry Bittle or Bill Stuck had come up with custom fixes to this problem.
Well at least something is happening rather than nothing.Kind of just tired not whooped and keeping it short.If I ever get all my mega projects done I too will focus on a remedy that we could just do ourselves as I have some ideas which I have some things already to try on some spares I have to butcher or rather mod with care and see the outcome.We I go junkyarding I save anything remotely saveable for the what if ideas I have.
Hi Paul. I am new here. I have been looking for some time for the driver side window sweep for my 1989 Sunbird. I would really love to know if you might have any idea where I could get one or two!
I would be in favour to have someone start manufacturing
Door sweeps - Convertible - Chrome - 1
Door sweeps - Convertible - Black
Door sweeps - Coupe - Chrome
Door sweeps - Coupe - Black
Rear sweeps - Convertible - Chrome - 1
Rear sweeps - Convertible - Black
Rear sweeps - Coupe - Chrome
Rear sweeps - Coupe - Black
Here are the part numbers from Pontiac that I need now:
L.H. SEAL STRIP 20711267
R.H. RUN CHANNEL 20362462
- Attachments
- SUNBIRD 1989.jpg (527k)
IMG_3372 copy.jpg (535k)
Stephen , I guess Clyde couldn't find you any NOS ones?
Doug in P.R.
92 Pontiac Sunbird LE, 2.0, AT, Red / Black with Grey 155K miles. Hurricane Maria Survivor ! ( It takes a licking and keeps on ticking ! ).....in Salinas, Puerto Rico!
I need the inside sweeps that attach to the door panel. Blue Jay 's are brittle and cracking off. If those are what you are referring to I would be in on a group order.
Hi Doug. No Clyde could not find me NOS ones so we are going to try aftermarket.
I would be willing to pay big money for someone who could find me original an NOS window sweeps for my 1989 Pontiac Sunbird!
hey do they make them for sedan to?? if so please let me know
I'm new to the scene ... I'm 18 and i have a 1985 Pontiac Sunbird sedan...
sorry guys for the long delay...
No response back from them yet. I have been pretty busy with work and have not been able to follow-up.
Hi Paul. Thanks for all your work with this. Let's hope something evolve.