I have seen that more than once!
Nice to see someone using your pic without your permission.Granted no harm and kinda cool.I feel like if a business uses your pics with out permission they should at least contact you prior to use and offer a reasonable payment for using imo.No big deal overall but, at least you have a ebay status until the sale ends right.Neato regardless
I guess reference pics of our cars are getting harder to come by and they have to shop where they can. The whole "public domain" thing on the internet is fine with me if it helps someone see what the product will fit. A commission check would be a nice bonus though
It would seem imitation isn't the only highest form of flattery!!
At least you still have the Pontiac! Imagine how it would feel to see photos like that from time to time and it only be a memory!
That is a copyright violation. You took the picture, it is your intellectual property. Just because you posted it on the internet does not make it public domain.
To do anything about it, you would need to send a cease and desist letter before taking further action.
About the most you can do is get them to stop using it as you suffered no financial loss by them using it.
That's the legal side, the cool side is they found and are using your pic.