Hello. I have a 86 cavalier 2.0 T.B.I.
I was having problems idling, even More with the A/C on. I Did a tune up, and checked everything. I went to check the Air sensor in the air cleaner. I unplugged the small plastic hose from the intake that go's to the air cleaner and noticed the idle got higher, and figured to take a drive to see what happens. I Noticed faster acceleration, and idles really smooth.
I am not sure if its called an (IAT), Like I had in a Camaro I had with a T.B.I, and plugged it?
But as its open it has a lot of vacuum, and nervous what the side effects will be if left alone.even if I put my finger over it, it stalls. If it helps i also don't have a catalytic converter.
Any info on whats going, or ideas, are so great full. Thank you.
http://www.j-body.org/forums/read.php?f=28&i=15350&t=15350 Here is post and scroll down a touch where I highlight the purpose of the air cleaner temp sensor.Leaving any vacumm lines unhooked can affect the car is some degree.Just read this post and check your egr valve by removing it and see if it blocked up with carbon as I suspect it probably is.A simple check is rehook the line you took off,then just remove the EGR valve vacumm line.See if the problem improves or stays the same.This will only affect the mpg a touch.I know on most of the egrs they are sealed and if the vacumm diaphragm inside is cracked,or just loosing vacumm it can make the idle suck.I want go further like checking the map sensor but,these do go bad and checking them is fairly easy with a multimeter and a couple jumper wires.
Glad to see you are still enjoying your Sedan, Carl!
Enjoying the photos !! We don't see many Sedans on here - they used to be a part of the American Landscape......not so much anymore.
I see you have a happy little L-Body fan in the passenger seat too -
I guess we are all kids at heart when it comes to our J's
Hood Pins!! Been a Loooong time since I saw a set of them! I bet that helps keep the hoodlums from swiping the battery in the night!
....and, White Walls - I doubt you can get those anymore. Well, maybe Coker Tire will sell you a set for $1K!!
There is a removable plug on the Throttle Body you can remove and adjust the idle speed with a Torx Driver.
Thanks Orlen Brown. I always liked the Z24s like my uncle had a 89 , went to Florida from NY twice in her.
The hood pins help keep my hood down. darn thing shakes a lot lately. and give it a little edge.
Its hard to find tires! I got lucky and called a used tire place and they sold me 3 tires all the same, and almost new for 30 a piece, they're looking for the 4th one for me. its not like he's ever going to sell them right?.
But I am more of a wagon fan like you it looks like. really like the wagons you got there.. I had two 92 wagons. one caprice and roadmaster. 350 posi rear sleepers. too big and drinks gas like crazy.made no sense In keeping both. One day ill find one later in life. they also had the T.B.I's. wish I knew you could adjust them till now, thanks so much.
one more thing. it does blows white smoke, and I checked the head gasket and its 100% fine. Its burning to rich I think. maybe it is just the T.B.I.
This my caprice wagon I had, before The cavalier. I build cars for a living, so I flipped them after fixing them up alittle. Not a mechanic but a painter.
and the roadmaster I just did the outside.
The Cavalier i am keeping forever. great car.