Hey Guys-
Many of us call Dexron as Dextron so consider them interchangeable here
I got into a bit of a debate on another board about the use of Dexron VI on my 2008 Chevrolet Uplander with the 4T65E transmission. I was curious with you auto trans guys if you were using the Dexron VI when you change out your fluids. It is interesting, even if the trans was manufactured before Dexron VI was the standard, GM is saying it is the only "approved" fluid to use now. Dexron VI was introduced to support the 6L80E transmission and applied to all existing transmissions as the new standard in MY2006.
Why it is interesting to us... As an example - the Valvoline Dex/Merc that we would normally use that support Dexron III standards also includes Dexron VI standards runs about $5/qt. The GM Approved Dexron VI product from valvoline or advance is around $8/qt.
Curious what you guys are running in your automatics. I had to do a little bit of research on this and wanted to share what I learned
Seems to be a forbidding issue few wish to tread, Paul...
My old school of common sense says to stick as close as you can to the original fluid. Why take a chance on incompatibility. Unless the tranny has been overhauled and the new clutch and band materials require a new spec fluid , I'd stick with tried and true. Especially so, if you are dropping the pan and changing half the fluid and filter.
Which brings me to the subject ...... who on earth came to said conclusion that elimination of the dipstick and refill tube is a good idea??? My sweeties 3rd gen has the 4t40E and all there is ...is a small cap buried underneath nearly everything - and no darn way to know how full "Full" is full. Try to make short story - a small leak on passenger side shaft seal, read it is common so I live with it. Way too many times we have gone down the highway belching smoke from tranny fluid getting on the exhaust where yours truly created overkill trying to pour some in from time to time - because I have no clue it is low till we have issue shifting or slipping. Oh well, so sorry about this rant.
Another point is we are at the mercy of the corner Oil Change and Lube House. God knows what young Junior has put in your machine....if anything at that. I do believe nowadays they have fittings that they plug into that drain and refill transmission fluid all at the same time.....maybe that damn machine sucked out the filter , clutches and bands and replaced them too for all I know.
Sighs....I just remember the good ole days when you dropped your own , took it to the local shop where they overhauled it for a reasonable fee and you took it home bolted everything back up, filled the tranny with pretty new Red Stuff (either Dexron or Type F), replaced the Dipstick, and you were Done!! :-)
Oh yes Paul, remember GM did the same thing with that wonderful Orange Stuff they called Dex-Cool....Which wasn't very cool at all.
Oh God bring on the Lions, I'm sure I've stuck my head in one of their gaping mouth surely by now...LoL
usually transmission without dipssticks have a bolt in the side you take out, fill until the fluid just starts to come out that bolt, and it's full.
Regarding the fluid, nothing wrong with dexIII, and it's cheaper!
- Your not-so-local, untrained, uncertified, backyard mechanic. But my @!#$ runs
I knew that was the procedure with the manual transmissions, didn't know it was now the norm with Automatics as well.
Automatic with no dipstick???????? Don't know how I ever could have driven my 72 Impala for 3 months back in high school. Had to fill the gas (7-8 mpg) and Trans fluid daily.
Well, John, ya know i just gotta ask......
Did you get more miles to a quart of Tranny Fluid with the Impala, or more miles to a quart of oil with the Vega???
Gotta Love GM - they have made life so very interesting!!
Orlen I have serviced quite a few of those sealed transmissions. If you look by the axle seal on the passenger side there is 10mm hex plug for checking the fluid. The engine must be at operating temperature before you can check the level as well. If you buy a filter kit from Advance Auto Parts it has the refill capacity on the box with reccommended fluid type.
Thanks for the info Fellows!!
Now I can check the level when I change the oil on the 3rd gen!! That will be so handy!! If I had a dollar for each thing I've learned on here.....heck I think I'd quit my job