Looks great!
Needs some of those old "rally" rims....I loved the ones my rs had....
i would love to have a set myself but funds dont really allow me to get anything else. also i have never even seen a set around here before. i cant even find any style of z24 wheel in the junkyard.
Looks pretty straight to me.If I come across some wheels for the cheap I will let you know.I know buying some reburbished wheels can be pricy.Good pics and glad runs better for ya.
How I was my Wagon was as rust free as this!! You one lucky fella!!
Rims will be hard to come by since the prices for metals have risen so much, junkyards make more money scrapping rims then selling them especially aluminum ones which is unfortunate as GM made some real nice ones back in the 80's.
My wife almost had one just like that but unfortunately before it was going to be sold to her it got T-boned and totaled by a red light runner
Very nice car.
I also like very much the color.
A lot of windows . On the modern cars you have difficultys to see outside of the car.
Specialty went you have to park .
Ron Love wrote:Looks pretty straight to me.If I come across some wheels for the cheap I will let you know.I know buying some reburbished wheels can be pricy.Good pics and glad runs better for ya.
thanks Ron. i appreciate it. the cheapest ive found the rally cavalier wheels are around $35 a piece on ebay. most junkyards ive been to charge between $80-$100 for a set.
Orlen Brown wrote:Lawd!!!!
How I was my Wagon was as rust free as this!! You one lucky fella!!
thanks. its got the typical surface rust starting just about everywhere. the drivers side door, front and rear wheel wells, and the rockers. the passenger side rocker has it the worst. lets just say hole the size of a silver dollar. i ended up coating it all really well yesterday so hopefully i can get some good driving out of it before rust eats it alive. thankfully it doesnt have rust anywhere on the underside of the car so im lucky there.
looks nice. Love the color.
Jonathan Sheets wrote:thanks.
i would love to have a set myself but funds dont really allow me to get anything else. also i have never even seen a set around here before. i cant even find any style of z24 wheel in the junkyard.
second gen z rims near teh jeffie in nj
thats a sweet wagon you have. a nice engine swap would make that a great sleeper.
Paint still looks pretty good. I haven't seen a 1st gen wagon around here in a long time. My co worker had Celebrity Eurosport with the same color combination for about ten years.
I always thought these wheels looked good on the Cavs.
Keep diligent on the rust. I have kinda gotten use to keeping a good eye on my Wagon and take action ASAP. I like the Rust Inhibitor in the white bottle at WalMart. Think its called Rustoleum Rust Inhibitor. It sells for about $6 and has to be applied with a brush or roller. Goes on White - Once it turns black it can be painted over.
One area I can't emphasize enough to keep an eye on is the area under the bottom door sills. There is a very thick protective coating on this, and rust usually occures from the inside and by the time this protective coating is blistering, you've got a helluva hole to deal with. I have to work with rivets since I have light induced epilepsy and welding produces flashing lights that will knock me on my arse.
This weekend I finished installing 6 more shop lights in my garage I had picked up for free. Got them hooked up so I can turn on 4 , 2 and 4 separately as my needs change. All lit up it definitely help me see what I'm sanding and painting , since I seem to spend a lot of time keeping up with things.
Keep up the great work - You have a beautiful RS Wagon!! :-)
i was using the same rust inhibitor from wal mart. i applied around 2 to 3 coats of it and a coat or two of undercoating. i guess its kind of overkill but i didnt want it spreading anymore than it already has.