car is cutting out once it goes into boost, new MAP, O2, IAC, fuel pressure test was good, any thoughts on what to do next ? thanks, also did a full tuneup and K&N air filter
the map i got is a duralast su129 from autozone it shows as for turbo
Does the car idle normally and rev normally? Does it have a boost gauge?
On the inside my car looks like a fighter jet.
yes it has boost guage, runs good below boost levels, revs studers at higher rpms, and pops when letting off
car was running good after tuneup good boost but heater core leak, put car up on ramps changed the heater core started running bad, fuel was low so changed fuel filter thinking picked up sediment out of tank, no change,new coil ,same , plug wire melting on exhaust replaced put on boot shields , same. o2, iac. map.bad thing is check engine light not coming on dash so cant tell if i have codes
bad cat? pluged exhaust think ill check this next
You sure you have the correct firing order. I messed it up on my 4cyl and it idled fine but wouldn't rev right and the cat started glowing bright red. If that is correct maybe you have a bad tps.
On the inside my car looks like a fighter jet.
1342 counter clock , rechecked just to be sure , cat made no dif , leaking injector ?
what size are the injectors (stock ) LBS
Did you check the timing?
timing is good. car takes 3-4 times to start in the morning, if i step down hard on gas it starts poping / backfire when running, but can keep below boost and run rpm to 4 grand no prob and runs smooth
Maybe your plug gap is wrong or wrong temp spark plugs.
On the inside my car looks like a fighter jet.
was thinking on the same lines put new plugs in last night same prob
Sorry, dumb question. Did you check the fuel pressure when the popping starts?
I don't know what # the injectors are but I can do you one better. I have a spare set that are stock off of an 84 1.8. I can send them to you to swap in and see if it changes. They are off of my car before I did the 7749 computer upgrade and were working fine when removed.
If you want to pursue this, send me a PM.
im kind of thinking spark, or not enough to keep the fires lit under boost,, sure seems to be getting fuel and yes checked pressure under boost at idle and just turning the key on, 36 lbs key on, 34 lbs idle and under a load, put a new igniton module on still the same
so what would control the spark signal under boost
Not a Turbo Expert but just a thought. Under boost shouldn't there be more fuel added to the charge? Sputtering and backfiring sounds like a lean situation going on. Wondering if the ECM recognizes amount of boost and adds proper fuel to compensate. Would the MAP sensor send that information or is there a special sensor in Turbo form? Might check to see if you might have everything tight from turbo to the intake - maybe a leak somewhere could fool the sensor to sending less fuel than needed. Checked the waste-gate?
If spark is doing the job at high non-boost RPM it seems as if it should be lighting the fires at lower boost speeds.
Will be curious to see what is the gremlin here!
Poor or unregulated engine timing is often a cause of intake backfires, but can also be responsible for exhaust backfires
Improper wiring in the ignition can also lead to timing issues and backfires
Low fuel pressure, clogged fuel filters, and weak fuel pumps could cause a severe lean air-to-fuel ratio during fuel injection
Missing or damaged catalytic converter can result in backfires out the tailpipe
On the inside my car looks like a fighter jet.
If you have good fuel pressure I am willing to bet its the wrong plugs or bad gap. Search for turbo spark plugs. They will tell you the best for our engines and the temp ratings. I would buy good plugs before anything else and gap them.
On the inside my car looks like a fighter jet.
starting to think the only way to fix this thing is to push it off a cliff,
new fuel pump, same ( just in case, sitting 10 years )
what gap on the spark plugs ? i cant seem to find for turbo motor, a well kept secret
took off intake pipe and turbo is working well, not blocked good flow.
how about a bad knock sensor ?
checking compression today 60.000 miles would think its good but check anyway.
cliff may be the best idea!!!!!!
Sounds like a coil/ distributor problem to me. Might be fuel, but if your timing isn't advancing properly or you are experiencing spark-scatter, it would sound like it's breaking up and backfire as well.
If it's popping through the intake, I'd suspect TPS or timing (or lack of timing advance).
~ Mike ~
ok lets try something new would a older alarm with valet setting be wired into the computer if so how ?
No, the usually wire to the ignition column, starter, ignition power, brake pedal, neutral safety switch. When valete is on ignition is powered, when it shuts off. The ignition shuts off and stops the car where it's at. ,
On the inside my car looks like a fighter jet.
ok next thought, electronic spark control module if i unplug it makes no change on how the car runs boost or idle
well tried a distributor no change, lol guess i should have kept the camaro im out of ideas