Hey guys,
A couple of weeks ago, I decided I was going to update the cargo area of my Wagon to make the use of space more efficient and to give it a better look.
I got my inspiration for the redo from the cargo area of my wife's '05 Chevy Equinox. It has a two tiered storage system with makes loading of groceries far more easier, and doubles what is in-arguably a limited amount of space.
I wanted something lightweight, strong and relatively easy to assemble and disassemble. after a bit of internet research, I came along formufit.com. they make furniture grade PVC and ABS pipe and fittings.
I sketched out a diagram for a frame that would make a good holder for a shelf that sat about a foot above the cargo area floor and went with FormuFit's 1 1/4" ABS pipe. It has a weight carrying capacity of 500 lbs and that would be more weight than I would ever consider setting on top of it!
I have the frame built and dry fit for now:
I have set it up two ways, but I still havent decided which way I am going to make it permanently. (probably going to go with the full rear crossmember)
I plan on putting something like a piece of plywood on top of the frame, but prefer something thinner, but less apt to split or chip like maybe a pegboard material minus the holes.
I plan to cut it about a quarter of the way up (at the second crossmember) and hinging it to allow easier loading for the bottom tier, then I plan to cover it with a dark blue or grey marine grade vinyl and maybe put a couple of hooks up top so that I can bungee something down that I may lay on top of it.
What do you think, guys?
~ Mike ~
Not bad. Be careful hittin' the brakes when the top shelf is loaded! Someone might end up with a headache!!
Up Until the Grandson came along I used to ride all the time with the back seat down in 2 seater fashion. I'd pick up a throw from the Thrift Store every now and then and ornament the cargo area just for the fun of it. Nowadays I got a car seat in the middle of the back seat. The old wagon carries far more special cargo!!
Every J owner is a little different!!
Get a sheet of 1/8 or 1/4 inch lexan and paint the bottom if you want it colored. It will hold a decent amount of weigh and should not crack or break on you for hauling groceries and be very light. If you fasten it with screws drill the holes with the plastic on and put tape over where you go to drill so it doesn't crack. Don't use plexiglass as it will shatter when over stressed where as lexan can be almost bent in half and is bullet poof at a certain thickness.
On the inside my car looks like a fighter jet.
Mike - That is one clean wagon.
Orlen - Yours looks like it is ready to take flight!