What our local Fire Dept thinks of 1st Gens - First Generation Forum

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What our local Fire Dept thinks of 1st Gens
Saturday, May 26, 2012 6:53 PM
Yesterday I heard our Fire Dept was going let the Jr. members do a practice vehicle extrication today. When I heard I commented "God I hope they don't find a 1st Gen, somewhere and tear it up". Well, I'll be damned if that is just what they did!! When I first saw it, the car was laying on it's side. Later , when I saw this I was so fumed!! What a damn waste!!

You can see the "Top Rot" all over this one that is so prevalent on older machines around here due to our wonderful Paper Mill. I stopped by my local hardware store to buy my first gallon of Enamel mixed to a color I've chosen for the Pontiac today. Unfortunately, they have to "Order" the base for this color to be tinted. Lord, everything for this poor old Pontiac has to be "Special Ordered" I've stopped by our local Napa store and talked to them. They can mix in some metal flake for me, after I get the paint from the hardware store, so it is going to be interesting to see what I am cooking up!!

This particular car had been sitting in a dilapidated garage for years. I used to drive by and pause to look at it, but never could make up my mind if it was worth trying to find out who owned it and go through the hassle to have it towed it home. It was piled up with debris and you couldn't really see what was there. A couple of years later it disappeared, and I guessed someone had hauled it off for scrap. I found out it now belongs to the brother of a junkyard owner that charges high dollars for parts here. Doubt anything good will ever come off this one now. I would joke that John could try putting a convertible top on it now, but I'm just too upset to have a sense of humor :-(

It's probably a good thing my Pontiac wasn't there, they probably thought it was scrap to , and trashed it too!!

On a lighter note, I took my old Pontiac out for a good long drive - put almost 200 miles on it , and it ran wonderfully!! I even managed to get over 32 MPG with it!! Not bad for a 28 year old machine!! With the lockup Converter disabled!! When I had the 97 Sunfire, I managed 33. I'm glad to have a good run after the breakdown I had back in March.







Re: What our local Fire Dept thinks of 1st Gens
Saturday, May 26, 2012 7:50 PM
Poor car was in good enough shape for a restore....what a waste.

Re: What our local Fire Dept thinks of 1st Gens
Saturday, May 26, 2012 7:58 PM
They need a LOT more practice if thats them extricating on a car...

Re: What our local Fire Dept thinks of 1st Gens
Saturday, May 26, 2012 11:18 PM
Don't even get me started on my real thoughts.Tired after drvg all day and that is just plain -------------- explicit langauge.Car def has some solid parts and to see good glass busted,door rails cut,errrr.That def hits a nerve being a type 10 takes a hit for that worthless learning experience.Oh my why not cut up a worthless suzuki,hyundai or ford escort.Ok done my little rant

Re: What our local Fire Dept thinks of 1st Gens
Sunday, May 27, 2012 6:55 AM
Orlen - Thanks for sharing.

My first thought after I noticed it was a Type 10 was "Ron is not going to like this one"

Re: What our local Fire Dept thinks of 1st Gens
Sunday, May 27, 2012 8:17 AM
I thought about Ron too, when I saw it was the Type 10.
I'm sure someone somewhere could use those controls that only the type 10's have. Those models are the only ones that have that dash design. Another example of GM's excess during those days. Something I've learned to appreciate as I've learned along the way on here.

Daughter took these - she was with the Grandson and he Loves anything with the Fire Dept.

You can see just how far gone the roof was - Still this was a great donor...the doors looked in pretty good shape - till they turned it on the side. I did ask about it after they got done with it - that's how I found out the junkyard owners - brother had it. Scrap prices here make this car worth at least a couple hundred bucks - and people want you to cough up extra to make it worth their time to sell it to you. Then you got to add in towing , then you have to get rid of what isn't salvageable. We aren't allowed to have junkers sitting around here - so you have to keep it in a garage wile you strip it down. So basically you need $250 - $300 and a garage to part this out. Maybe you can understand why I never wound up getting this one. I must have stopped and looked at it a dozen times or so over the years. I eventually got my Pontiac for $450 and it is running good , inspected, and restorable. Something I'd rather take up the space in the old garage I rent. I guess it is a sign of the times.
I passed by a used car dealer a few days ago, and he had a real nice looking Red 1960 Chevy Corvair Hardtop on the lot. It had the automatic transmission and even had side skirts on the rear wheels. The car had mis-matched hub caps - and I thought about how hard, and expensive it would be to find parts for this thing. No wonder as time goes by only the rich can play with the old stuff - got to have a pile of cash to throw around. Still, it was very interesting to find what some could consider to be the true Great Grandfather of the J-Bodies. Corvair-Vega-Monza-Cavalier-Cobalt-Cruize..... Did I get that right?




Re: What our local Fire Dept thinks of 1st Gens
Sunday, May 27, 2012 2:50 PM
Is there any way for you to get that steering wheel? I need a good blue wheel for my car.
Re: What our local Fire Dept thinks of 1st Gens
Sunday, May 27, 2012 5:09 PM
I could try, but I wouldn't be surprised what he'd wanted for it.. He is ridiculous. I got a rear axle for a Chevette from him about 10 years ago. I was pulling everything out and figured I'd grab the springs since I had pulled them in the process. This joker charged me $250 for that stuff.....and for a Chevette?!?! I used to get axles all day long for $50 in the '90s in other yards. The other yard I had been going to recently balled me out for pulling Steering wheels - told me I'd have to but the complete steering column with the wheel. Started going on about how some would set me back $200 , I just left and haven't been back since.
I guess since scrap prices are bringing so much these days they think they have gold....

Wish I did have some decent folks to deal with 'round here.


Re: What our local Fire Dept thinks of 1st Gens
Sunday, May 27, 2012 9:00 PM
Well humour the junk pile dood when it gets there and see how much for that instrument cluster.I would like to have a second spare being no 1st gens are popping in lately.I would say no more than 25-30 for it bc that is what the going price is here analog or electronic style.Still suckeths to see a solid parts ride screwed with.SO just let me know if the parts are not stupid priced and maybe explain if he sells some things to YOU more parts could be sold and at FAIR prices being were J fans and we are the interested parties here.Errr to car sideways too.

Re: What our local Fire Dept thinks of 1st Gens
Monday, May 28, 2012 8:34 AM
Ok, Ron, you know I can't say no to ya!!

I had so many members wanting parts I decided to track it down and at least ask. Unfortunately, he had used an old fashioned tow truck that picks the car up from the front bumper. The truck was still hooked to the car when I got there. The rigging from that tow truck had almost completely tore off the plate bracket. I'm sorry I couldn't do anything for that, but know I know why those brackets are missing.He said he has plenty more cavaliers up on the mountain, but I'm afraid of the cost. He burnt me $25 for just 3 trim rings for the wheels- but they were in good shape so I did it.. Wanted $30 for the steering wheel and $50 for the dash switches on both sides. Stupid & Crazy!! Oh yes , stupid me was still looking at those doors till I realized when they cut the roof off, they also cut off the tops of the door frames - and they were good coupe doors too -AARRGGGGG!!
Had I bought everything on this list it would have topped $100 - and he's knowing that the first good rain to come along will ruin the wheel and switches. Sighs...I guess it's just a sign of the times. However , if Wadus or Ron is still interested, just let me know.


Re: What our local Fire Dept thinks of 1st Gens
Monday, May 28, 2012 7:33 PM
Whoa he wanted 50 for I assume both headlight,wiper switch and the dash cluster with all its fabulous speedometer and fuel guage.That is kinda steep I can see say 30 for just the cluster but those switches I would not go more than five bucks and I do not need the headlight or wiper switch assembly.I just was interested in the dash instrument cluster soley.If thirty will fly and rain is rolling my way and guess it will hit VA too tue-thurs spotty showers.I can see this guy has no idea how to price stuff at resonable cost compared to yards I go to all the time.U can check again or so forget it if he wants fifty just for the switches I'd be scared he would say way over 30 for the cluster.

Re: What our local Fire Dept thinks of 1st Gens
Tuesday, May 29, 2012 4:59 PM
I told you this guy was nuts!! HE wanted $50 for just the switches flanking the IC. He said the "ought" to bring $25 each side" My take is he'd want another $50 for the IC - to set you back $100 for those switches and IC together. He told me he'd sell me a door for $75 - never got a price for a hood.

I've hit upon the notion that these ole country junk yard men are just glorified horders.

We have a couple of them here that carry the parts supply books and will charge you 80% of new price without blinking an eye!! Yep, they look it up and break out a dusty calculator - oh, and these prices are OEM - not aftermarket.

There are tales 'round these parts were someone gave them a call and asked how to pull a certain part off - the yard owner replied that this information ought to be worth $30...Why???, since he had to pay $1000 for the books to find it out himself. Another was that fender on top of the pile was $100 , when the poor lad inquired about the one about midway in the pile that was the same color as his car, that price was $220!!! Why $220, he asked? "Well, it'll cost you $120 to have the top one painted - why should I give you one that is already the right color?"

Those of you fortunate enough to have Pull-a-Parts - be very happy!!

Ironically, I'm leaning to trying to do a little business with this wag. I'm thinking all the wasted money in gas running around, or shipping fees - might just make this fellow a necessary evil!!


Re: What our local Fire Dept thinks of 1st Gens
Tuesday, May 29, 2012 5:43 PM
Sad day for that Type10! It could have been worse, they could have set it on fire. Still could be saved and turned into a Roadster with a flip up windshield from a Jeep!

Re: What our local Fire Dept thinks of 1st Gens
Sunday, June 03, 2012 7:38 PM
Where is this car..id buy the whole thing for my project!!

87 Cavalier 400.9" SBC 9.286@143 NA.

Re: What our local Fire Dept thinks of 1st Gens
Sunday, June 10, 2012 2:33 AM
That's sad... and bull@!#$.

R.I.P. JessE Gerard 7.11.87 - 1.25.08
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Re: What our local Fire Dept thinks of 1st Gens
Sunday, June 10, 2012 6:41 AM
they did a second gen here in town. dunno about there but here they don't let you take parts off of them.
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