I may have found that wonderful front spoiler everyone wants so bad. If someone here would post a pic of what exactly that is, I can let you know if I can actually snag it.
The problem is, it appears to be pretty well pushed in and on the right side it looks torn.
I don't have one of those fancy cellphone cameras so i couldn't take pics myself.
Both of these Cavs have one installed:
~ Mike ~
I have one and the sides still
Want hub spacers rear disk brackets or trailing arm bushings? Shoot me a PM.
OK, just need a little clarification, we'll go with the blue one in the pic by Michael E:
is the part everyone wants so bad the blue part with the hole in the center (which looks filled with an aftermarket silver grille), or that black air dam below that blue part with the hole in the center?
It's the black piece on the very bottom. The piece above it is part of the bumper itself - the black piece below it is a GM add-on & is what I imagine most of us want.
~ Mike ~
Yeah the black rubber part is the desired item.I have yet to see one since all my junkyarding since last year.I know sunny would look super sweet black on yellow nice!
Ron, they are not made of rubber - they are made of plastic. Back in 1988, I put one of those on my best friend's '87 Z24.... It didn't last very long because he ran it into a curb about a week after I installed it. It broke into a million pieces.
~ Mike ~
That extra plastic does look cool--but that wasn't what I found, it was just the regular front bumper.
Sorry if I made anyone drool on their computers
Has anybody tried a S10 or S15 airdam?
They look quite similar plus there's got to be millions of them in junkyards
Ya know, even if I blundered into a nice piece, I would not bolt it onto my '86. I'd be drilling holes into the bottom lip of the silver portion to bolt it on, and at the 1st road dip or cement parking lot stop I encounter- blammo.- plastic shrapnal everywhere, unbolting the remains, and ugly bolt holes as a reminder.
That S10 setup benefits from much better ground clearance.
Yup- I'd post it and sell it.
(Quoting a past member)-"Never underestimate a First Gen"