87 Cavalier 400.9" SBC 9.286@143 NA.
Sweet - Thanks for sharing
Whoa did not know you were celebrity status J owner! That is freaking awesome stuff and neat stuff to accomplish SO much.Maybe one day one of our Js will get that kind of appreciation from the classic car stature.Kudos is a understatement.
no words can describe...
FYI, changing from front to rear wheel drive is going to hurt your gas mileage
Thats not my car, just found it on a website. I heard it only went 13's or something in the quarter just made for looks and show no really go. My RWD cavalier gets 2 gallons per mile, not MPG. Oh and at $8.75 a gallon.
87 Cavalier 400.9" SBC 9.286@143 NA.