Details of celica
5 Speed
Power Locks and Windows
Hatchback and lots of cargo space
Flip up head lights
Z24 Wheels with ok tires
Reliable as hell
24/29 mpg
Body damage on passenger side
Rust and someone tried to fix with bondo
Loud and obnoxious
smelly as in car smells
broken e brake
bunch of residue and scratches on the window from old tint
smells like smoke
Body has 243000 miles
Cruise control and washer fluid is broke
Cavalier details
Its a Cavalier!
I love Cavaliers!
Great Interior
23/28 mpg
beretta wheels with great tires
Reliable as far as i know
140000 miles
sweet mini van back windows lol
No power anything
its baby blue (i will prolly flat black it tho)
needs headliner work
rust lol
What do you guys think? I am pretty sure I wanna do it. Opinions? I wanna be a first gen guy too! lol
You know you're wasting time waiting on us. You could be cleaning up your new 1st gen...
Are you sure the Cavalier has a 4 speed? It should have a 125C 3-speed in it. If the 4 speeds weren't so much to rebuild I would already have done the swap. I say get the Z24!
If you're asking us, you already know the answer--DO IT!
Well good! Once you get it you will prolly have 100s of questions about stuff.Just ask on the post u have here and go back and read old ones regarding stuff.We will read anything u throw on here on this post anyway.I will tell you advance auto parts is the BEST for parts for 1st gen stuff,like sensors for eng,gaskets,tbi parts,injector or kits for rebuilds I could go on forever.If ur really bored I am on cardomain 1985 cav,ronsoldcav is page name,way too lazy to remember a link.
Should I trade my 90 Celica GT for a 87 Cavalier Coupe?
Is this a trick question?
Can't wait to see it.
Better get that cavalier quick before the Toyota accelerates into something...
slick02eco wrote:I got the cavalier!!!!! Pics will be up as soon as I can get them. Also how hard is it to find a cavalier hatch for future reference?
Cool! Can't wait to see it.