hey guys, if anyone out there knows the N.S. laws and regulations, i'd like to know, everywhere i go i get no answers, so i'd like someone to tell me before i go and get myself a ticket for say, having purple lights, or clear corners, or the LED tail lights i'm designingif you can help e out i'd appreciate it alot, thanx for your time ppl L8r <br>
"I live my life a quarter mile at a time..." "for those ten seconds or less I'm free"
what are you looking to know?? Im from N.S let me know and ill tell ya what I can <br>
well... first the plan was to pull out the tail lights and use LED's to make new ones using window tint for sealing or something of that nature, would still be bright as hell and i would still have full side view of turn and brake lights, i want to change the color of my turn signals to purple, possibly using more LED's, i want to smooth over all the ugly reflectors, and so far i think thats it till i get anymore "bright"

ideas, soooo, any knowledge of that or anyhting like it? <br>
"I live my life a quarter mile at a time..." "for those ten seconds or less I'm free"
I don't think playing around with the lights is legal. Purple turn signals (I doubt it) and custom tailights would likely get you pulled over because they won't be legally certified. <br>
<img src="http://memimage.cardomain.com/member_images/9/web/585000-585999/585212_7.jpg">
well buggery muck.... that pisses me off... no offence to guys with body kits and such.... but you guys end up shifting and frenching lights half the time, why can't i have a little fun without gettign screwed over by 5/0

oh how i long for the days when if i turn signal was visible from a 45-65 degree angle it was legal, color be damned.... i really wanted my led tail lights too

"I live my life a quarter mile at a time..." "for those ten seconds or less I'm free"
oh another thing was i wanted to build my own muffler, do you guys know if there are regulations pertaining to that idea? thanx for the help L8r <br>
"I live my life a quarter mile at a time..." "for those ten seconds or less I'm free"
as far as the muffler it will vary from cop tp cop. As for the lights, it is pretty strict. you cant have altezzas unless theyre dot approved in canada. <br>
oh well, i've got myself busy doign body mods like pulling off the ugly door trim grinding down the stupid trim pins, and trying to fix all my rust issues, i've got some baaaad rust problems, i was kind of hoping i'd have some black primer to start working on it, but the cheap stuff is all i can afford, so now my car is red silver and a couple big spots of orangy brown (red oxide) *vomit* anyway thanx for the help maybe if i get seom decent money anytime soon i can get ti painted somethign nice. <br>
"I live my life a quarter mile at a time..." "for those ten seconds or less I'm free"
Hey Darkambience......I assume you rin Nova Scotia so check out www.jans.ca its a NS based J body club. we always welcome new people <br>
Know this for a fact...YOU r not aloud to have any coloured lights except you yellow or red
Yea i found out the hard way.. u can have them on just only when ur not in motion, i dun think that clear corners would be illegeal, but altezzas have to be dot approved, if ur cops are n e thing like the ones around here, they'll stop ya for looking the wrong way, in chester its like they only stop ya cause they know if you got money to mod a car you got money to pay a ticket.
Burn rubber not you'r soul...
haha, it's been so long since i checked out this topic, i came up with an idea, i'll put some led's in the top half of the turn signals, and turn them on when i'm showing the car off, maybe so some other hidden mods, all sight unsseen stuff, as for money for mods, i'm the porrest mofo every to hit The NS, hell, if you go to high school you got more money than me lol!!!! but anyway, i got some welding gear to do all my stuff, and now i can't do it, talk about ghey, anyway, check out my cardomain page for updates on my beast, as for joining clubs, maybe once i'm on the road.... but right now i'm studying with Jehovahs Witnesses, and helping start a world wide record label... so i dunno if i got time for that stuff anymore, anyway, i'll be posting pics of a really nice interior mod i'm doing soon so keep an eye out * L8r
"I live my life a quarter mile at a time..." "for those ten seconds or less I'm free"