I have a 97 Sunfire GT with a 2.4 Twin Cam engine. Just to start off I know nothing about this car yet. Alot of people around here don't like this Twin Cam engine, and im starting to agree with him because its very inconvenient to work on. Its running just fine mechanically but it has 114,000 miles on it and im worried about the longevity of the engine. Guess you can say people got me spooked.
Before I buy an overhaul kit or another engine to rebuild with less miles I want to know if there is any OTHER engine that will fit this car that will perform better, or if this twin cam scare is just a local wives tale? Please keep in mind I am mechanically inclined, but I have never done anything like swapping an engine bymyself.
the twin cam is a fine engine if treated right. just watch the water pump going out and spinning bearing #3...two very common problems. other than that, meh...you get out of it what you put into it.
but if you want to swap, the only other
real option would be swapping in an eco. you could do the older 2.2 engine cause those things are work horses and will last 150-200k easily, but doing so takes a serious step down in power. the 2.2 eco motor is peppy and sounds like its gonna be a long lasting engine (as its only been out since 2002). there are swap guides in various forums on here if you want to do the eco. but you will have to do more than just the engine, so you will need to get a parts car to make it easier.
good luck

coming back in 2008...
its very inconvenient to work on
says who??? the spark plugs and coil packs are all on top. its easy as pie to change to oil

Im a Xbox 360 fanboy...and damn proud of it!!
i think the only pain in the ass thing to do on the 2.4 is the water pump. other than that its like working on every other engine. thankfully my motor is out so im just replacing it now just in case
If it aint broke dont fix it....mine only broke cause i turboed it...it probly woulda been running to this day...but i just never got around to tunning it...these engines are simple to work on...i mean general maintenence is rediculously easy....with spark plugs being right there and oil filter being in front...if i had the time/money i would probly swap my engine for another 2.4 but i dont have either right now so im sellin it....my buddy and i pulled the head off my 2.4 a while ago....took a whole 3 hours...with a lift and garage full of tools...but i mean we were both 18 and had no mechanic skills lol
you scratch my ride IMA EAT YO CHILDREN
Do yourself a favor now and put in a 2.2 ecotec, same power and it can actually hold boost without blowing apart
its 10 less hp , big deal, id take 20 less just to not have to deal with a grenade such as the 2.4

1989 Turbo Trans Am #82, 2007 Cobalt SS G85
Just like tabs said, i have a z24 and a ls convertable with the 2.4 in it .Both 5 spd i have had no problems with either engs, as long as you take an easy on them keep up on the mait. They are a great motor and gm did do one thing right with them they tuned the eng very well there's constant tourque through all gears. The 2.2 eco is a good swap if you want to go that way. A friend of mine is doing that swap and has to replace the whole cars wireing system, the old 2.2 is a great motor but dosent make nearly enuff power. it's allmost bullet proof though.So i guess u have to ask yourself a couple questions do u want performance or a long lasting motor and do u have enuff money to swap in a new motor or are you broke like us 90% of the ppl on here LOL. either way look at it this way, like any car or any motor all cars have thier commen problems but with preventive mait you shouldent have anything to be worried about.
zack Welsh wrote:I have a 97 Sunfire GT with a 2.4 Twin Cam engine. Just to start off I know nothing about this car yet. Alot of people around here don't like this Twin Cam engine, and im starting to agree with him because its very inconvenient to work on. Its running just fine mechanically but it has 114,000 miles on it and im worried about the longevity of the engine. Guess you can say people got me spooked.
Before I buy an overhaul kit or another engine to rebuild with less miles I want to know if there is any OTHER engine that will fit this car that will perform better, or if this twin cam scare is just a local wives tale? Please keep in mind I am mechanically inclined, but I have never done anything like swapping an engine bymyself.
If you leaving the car stock and not racing it.... leave the motor where it is. Hell even if you are going to race it dont swap a perfectly good motor that has potential.
yeah i had 158k on my last car and it still ran when i got rid of it and on the one ihave now i think its at 107k and i'm not worried
the 2.4 a grenade? i dont think so
if taken care of properly it will last long. like regulaer oil changes, plugs, etc etc and it wil last you awhile
but if you ignore normal maintence, beat it to hell, add major upgrades (like boost) with out supporting mods, then yeah it will eventually turn to @!#$ like any other engine

Im a Xbox 360 fanboy...and damn proud of it!!
I guess everyone just had me shaken up. Im just worried about it because I know spinning a rod bearing could be disasterous. I got the car with 100,000 miles on it and i don't know if the kid before me beat the car or not, and most of the time I see the average life span of 120,000 miles and thats about where I am now.
Anyone replace the Hydraulic Engine mount on the passenger side with a rubber one yet? I ruined 2 of them this year and I don't beat the car. I was thinking of trying the rubber one this time around. The dealer says its because the torque strut mount is on the bottom on the engine instead of the top and it allows more play side to side, especially since its an inline engine. Does this sound right to you?
I have a 150K on one 120K on another, 75K on another and my buddy has over 200K on his with no problems. The waterpump I think just has a bad name cause when it goes (which many do for ANY car) this one is just a pain to change. I gotta do it on my 150K but I'm just going to wait till spring and take a weekend. the rod bearing isn't an issue if you take care of the car. You don't beat the piss out of it and you change your own oil with GOOD oil not walmart brand!
My family has been so impressed with how well mine held up with the way I drive that my mom and my bro both bought them as well. My bro is actually looking to get another one as well!