Up for sale is a set of 17 inch white team dynamics rims, nice shape, 5x100. Located in rochester NY, I can do a package deal if you want a red convertible or Z24 kit, anything cavalier must go. They are white like the bottom left ones. I will get pics, two tires are junk, the other two are fine.
400 BO But for 2500 you can have a 1996 Convertible and these rims.
http://members.cardomain.com/vertz24 1998 Z24 Convertible
2.3-2.4 HO ADAPTER FLANGES 65$ shipped, Check GP Forum!
Do they have those red words on em?
***Looking for a BLUE 03+ STOCK cavi wing pm me if ya got one you wanna sell***
Aw man that sucks
***Looking for a BLUE 03+ STOCK cavi wing pm me if ya got one you wanna sell***
Aw man that sucks
***Looking for a BLUE 03+ STOCK cavi wing pm me if ya got one you wanna sell***
How much for the front lip?