need a stock hood for a 95-02 cavi, stock, color doesn't matter
i was at eminem you pull it they got ton of cavis with good hoods. i think they only want like 25 for them
i was there yesterday, they were ALL damaged in some way
oh and FYI---- it's M&M like the candy, not the rapper lol
hey kris i got a white hood slight dent rom a deer but can be pulled out with a plunger
I had one about a month ago that I woulda given to you but it got tossed, sorry bud!
just oem, i don't need anything fancy- it's for the girls vert---don't really feel like driving far for it either- i went on a 10hr trip to get my bike
ill sell u mine for 25 if you want it
where abouts u located in buffalo? ya got a deal for 25, when where can i meet u- i'm off till fri hit me up
i am joe that lives in maple wood and my address is tmsocc27 if you want it let me know my number is 310 5129