yea anyone got a Z24 front bumper for sale around the pittsburgh area? i dont care what color it is i just need one with no dents/cracks in it. And yes i looked in the classifieds. need to be from a 95 - 99 cavalier.
yea i been looking on eBay for one. But i don't want to pay 100 bucks for one. I mean i went to the junk yard and got a rear bumper for 30 bucks and I can get a front for the same price but there wasn't any that weren't in 2 pieces.
I have one. I'm a few hours away from pitt tho. I'm in the northeast/central PA
how much u looking for it?
does it have foglight cut outs on it. and would u being willing to ship it?
I can ship it. And yes it has the fog light cutouts.