im looking to buy stock mirrors for a 98 2 door cav . looking for a real cheeap price . i want to try somethign else im not really likeing the m3 style mirros sticking up like bunny ears
if sunfire mirrors fit cavs im your man....check if they will fit though
I may run 18s, but I can do your taxes in 10 seconds flat.
they are manual mirrors...i was looking for 40 for um. they cant ship out till thnaksgiving though.
I may run 18s, but I can do your taxes in 10 seconds flat.
i have a set of mirror that ill give you for like $40 if you want them they are ready to be shippied
way to under sell you need them now def go with this guy.
I may run 18s, but I can do your taxes in 10 seconds flat.
are your m3 mirrors manual or power? and do you have pics of em. if so i may be interested in them, if you would want to trade for my stock ones. power, off a 96 z24.
well no matter what i cant get them to you till turkey day but i'll do 35 if we're gonna start a bidding war
I may run 18s, but I can do your taxes in 10 seconds flat.
they are power but i don't have power mirror set up so they never been used and i never hooked up the led couldn't figure out how to .i payed 80$ to get them painted so if i just traded them for stock that be a huge loss for me . but if ur willing to put a lil bit of cash in like 15 $ ill do it