my ma audio sub i just bought not even a month ago just blew and not sure if its covered under warranty or not in the process of finding out. so if it aint i would like to know a place around central pa that rebuilds subs. and if its even worth the cost to rebuild it.
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well what exactly is wrong with it??? blown VC? if so, depending on the location of the blown wire, its a somewhat easy fix...
think its two blown voice coils took it out of the box, smoked poured out, then turn it on it would move but all scratchy sounding, and could see sparks inside the coil as the sub moved in and out! could i fix it my self?
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why wouldn't you go through the manufacturer to replace it, if it's only a month old?
R.I.P. Brian St.Germain
you know, i love when people like to criticize others about their behavior,
but turn around and do the same freaking thing months later...
it will run you about a hundred bucks to recone any woofer. some cheaper some more but that is the general price.
thanks guys, and im tying to go through the manufactuer, but they warranty specifically states the warranty only covers products purchased from authorized dealers, and the dealer i got it from got ma audio stuff from a wholesaler which got it directly from ma audio so not sure if im covered or not but i did email them waiting on a responce.
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