well, we're are officially 30 days from the event. so whos planning on going, and when. lets get the caravan info going
Buffalo, NY (10 mins from peace bridge into canada)
RIP Saint ........ JBO
Not to change the subject but would you still wana trade front ends?
Western New Hampshire, straight shot across Vermont into New York on I'90 to Buffalo.
90 passes right by me
ps - I alrteady swapped to the 00-02, sorry
RIP Saint ........ JBO
i might try and find a route to meet up
as long as you arent crossing in montreal, or detroit, you'll be coming right by buffalo. the only 2 entrances are buffalo, and niagara falls
RIP Saint ........ JBO
Why does the swap make a difference?
I would like to go...
And actually race
not sure if the scheduling will work out though
"forcast for tomorrow... a few sprinkles of genius and a chance of doom"
What is the date of it? Also you guys that are planning on going may want to get your passports. I know things are changing at the boarder and will need passports coming and going into canada now I believe or it will be later this summer don't remember right off hand when it starts. Possibly up for it depending when it is and if I have time off work and the cash.
i'm bringing mine jsut in case
passports arent needed until 2007, but i'll be bringing mine just in case
RIP Saint ........ JBO
when will you guys be at the peace bridge?
thats what im trying to figure out. what time is everyone planning on arriving at the bash?
RIP Saint ........ JBO
well its 9 hours drive for me, im plannign for 10hrs cause of stops and @!#$. the greet and meet is at 9 right?? how far away is buffalo form JCO?
No idea when I plan on getting there. I think I'm going to leave my house in NH around 8 or 9 am, its an 8 hour drive, so I won't be rushing to get there, like I was going to Indy.
holy crap....
$50 to get in for 1 day.
I will seriously be reconcidering my attempt at going....
$50 buys a lot of diapers.
"forcast for tomorrow... a few sprinkles of genius and a chance of doom"
the bash is about 2 hours from buffalo, so around the last leg of your trip.
i was hoping to be there for the beginning of any activites that will be goin on. maybe shoot over to the track and see some of the pees that are camping
RIP Saint ........ JBO
ignor my ranting, they will have test and tune available for $30 at the track.
I would only be going on saturday and meeting up with all of the Precizion guys
"forcast for tomorrow... a few sprinkles of genius and a chance of doom"
Eazy Ent. ( 716 ) wrote:the bash is about 2 hours from buffalo, so around the last leg of your trip.
i was hoping to be there for the beginning of any activites that will be goin on. maybe shoot over to the track and see some of the pees that are camping
well then that should put me in buffalo around 6 ish
did you guys reserve a hotel room yet??
i reserved one at the main hotel a few months ago. if you did, which hotel??
if not, you might wanna look into that soon!
RIP Saint ........ JBO
im at the host hotel...comfort i believe it is....i've had the room for maybe 5-6 months..
and if anybody needs a place to crash...we have plenty of floor space in the room
I'm at the host hotel as well.
I'm goin in the morning, then coming home. No need to spend the night when I'm only 2 hours from the bash