Every year there is this huge event at the local sports arena and they sell everything from computers to subwoofers for real cheap. DVD burners are $50, all software is $5, laptops for $200, subs for $25, etc etc. You won't exactly find JBL subs for that cheap but they do have cheaper quality stuff at a very cheap price. I plan on buying my g/f a cheap laptop for her to do school work on (papers, study guides, etc etc,) so she's not tying up my laptop 24/7. On Friday (the first day) I'm going to the show and I will write down prices of stuff that people are interested in. If you have the money in your pocket and want something let me know and I'll get you a price. On saturday I'll go back up and buy what people want and ship them out.
I'm not sure about the EXACT prices but their close to what i stated above. They also have PS2, X-box games for cheap along with car cd players, mp3 players, car speakers, and just about any kind of electronic you could think of.
Since i am just buying these products I have no clue about the durability of them or anything so you'll be buying at your own risk. I can tell you from previous experience that I've bought items (dvd player, cd player for the home) and they still work great.
For the mods: I'm not advertising a store or anything and I won't be making a profit off of anything I buy, I posted this because I figure there's probably some people that are looking for a specific electronic but don't want to pay a lot for them and since I plan on going it's not a big deal if I get things for other people while I'm there.
So if you have money to spend on something (not in 2 weeks), then let me know what your looking for.
"welcome to the most expensive hobby ever..."
Sounds like the show they have every year in VA. I went there last year....it was eh........I really didn't buy anything.
that stuff is usually refurb'd thats why its so cheap
Yea i know most of the laptops are refurbished but for something to just hook up a printer to and put Word on it, it's a good deal. I'm not sure if there's others in the area that would want something similiar, that's why i posted.
"welcome to the most expensive hobby ever..."
uecavboy wrote:Yea i know most of the laptops are refurbished but for something to just hook up a printer to and put Word on it, it's a good deal. I'm not sure if there's others in the area that would want something similiar, that's why i posted.
O i agree, I wasnt trying to be a dick or anything. I am trying to score a cheap laptop and when they come to pittsburgh I will be lookin at laptops!
craigslist.com is another great resource for inexpensive electronics.
R.I.P. Brian St.Germain
MS Walk April 21 - I HIT MY GOAL!!! thanks to those of you who have supported me!
acidburn: I know you weren't trying to be a jerk and I didn't take it that way. I just know that there's a lot of college kids in the area that are away at school and won't be able to make it to the show, not to mention people that live in a smaller town where the show doesn't come to.
"welcome to the most expensive hobby ever..."