alright...this is specific to NORTHERN BALTIMORE CITY ONLY, so if you really don't have anything useful to say, don't bother(if you don't mind).
i'm starting an apartment hunt for next year. i'm hoping to move closer to Mt. Washington, but i am also willing to stay north of the city as long as it's within the I-83 corridor. does anyone know of any complexes that fit these categories:
1 - in a halfway decent neighborhood
2 - has a washer and dryer in the unit
3 - at least 2 bedrooms
4 - controlled access
5 - on-site(not street) parking
6 - allows pets
# 3 and 6 aren't as necessary, but they are still high on my priority list. we're also more than willing to give townhouses a shot, as long as they have onsite parking and a washer and dryer in the unit. i'm unwilling to go anywhere that would require travel on the beltway...
if anyone can give me some good suggestions, i'd love to hear them. i've got a couple of places on my list but the internet doesn't list everything.
You wanna be in the city or county?
Theres all kind of stuff in the county on the other side of the belt up 83.
I used to live out there, Event still does.
But for the washer/dryer in unit, expect to pay $200-300 more for rent now.
Whats your budget?
Remember....syringes go in the RED waste basket.
yes, and i still live with event. thing is, he and Kristin are moving in a little over a year, and i'd like to start fresh with a new apartment(and Scruf).
Cockeysville will be "the" place to stay if i can't find a good place down around Mt. Washington(or around there). i'd like to be within city limits, if possible...and the washer/dryer is an absolute must.
thanks, girly - i've checked out most of the stuff on that list. about half of it is listed in the Hopkins publication, so i've been able to rule them out or keep them in mind as i've been able to check them out.
anyone else?