Does anyone have pacrossbow's phone number? - North East Region Forum

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Does anyone have pacrossbow's phone number?
Monday, July 18, 2005 1:12 PM
I purchased 2005 Z24 Sideskirts from him, and he said they were shipped last Monday (July 11) but I just called Fedex, and they have no record of the shipment. He also claimed that he'd give me the tracking number last tuesday (July 12) but I havent heard from him so I'm trying to get ahold of him before I contact Paypal.


Re: Does anyone have pacrossbow's phone number?
Monday, July 18, 2005 2:32 PM
[18 17:25:44] <owen> just recieved a paypal refund from him

Problem solved...goes to show you that Paypal CAN help you out with disputes, as long as you take care of it in a reasonable amount of time. Just always remember...even if you ARE protected by something like Paypal, always do your homework before sending out your hard earned cash...


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