I have a painted rksport extractor hood that doesnt not have proper fit too it. I am asking $200 or trade for ls sport rims WITH tires. the hood will fit 95-02 only. i will have pics if you want.
Any pics i might be interested and where you located?
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hey man i am located in <moderator edit>
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Friday, May 17, 2013 3:10 PM
i hope these are suffient. it gives you the fitment idea and the small chip. like i stated either 200 bucks or trade me ls sport rims with tires

my AOL IM is <moderator edit> or you can reach me at my cell number at <moderator edit>
Edited 2 time(s). Last edited Friday, May 17, 2013 3:11 PM
Ooooo meee meee!
<a href="http://www.cobaltss.net/forums//index.php?referrerid=37" target="new"><img src="http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/tgmtzmx/SatchmoeSigJBO.jpg"border="0"></a>
good come over and buy it jeff.
havea body shop line it for you. my extractor hood did not line up all to well. so i had a shop do it while it was getting painted. but if you really wanna get rid of it, go ahead

Im a Xbox 360 fanboy...and damn proud of it!!
id didnt even know that could be done, thanks!
I see almost nothing wrong with that hood other than it needs to be adjusted to the right a little bit. If i lived closer i'd take that off your hands or work on a trade with my evo hood.
Would be interested also, but I'm probably to far away. : / for either one of you.
awww common guys ya havent taken road trips?
i'm waiting to here about a carbon fiber ram air. But if I can't get stuff going with that. how far would you be willing to travel? where about 220 miles away from each other.
i have no problem with a halfway meet.
I should know sometime tonight what is going on with the carbon fiber ss hood. with that person it all depends on what size the package can be gotten to.
alrighty folks just keep me posted.
Hey, you still have that hood? If so when might you be able to meet up to sell it? I know the midway point is right around scranton Pa
I'll give you more if you drive it to Buffalo ny.
?!?!? am I still in contention here? or am I being out bid. haha. Cause I have the money now just need to know when you would want to meet up. Let me know. email addy is in my profile. and my aol ceanern
haha sorry man, i really cannot drive all the way to buffalo. spence my email addy is <moderator edit>, can you please email your addy to me or pick the address of a halfway point please?
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Friday, May 17, 2013 3:11 PM