I think that we should all get together for this Poughkeepsie meet on
June 5th in the mid evening about 3pm or so... so that we can chill and then go to Dunkin donuts and have all the j-s line up and meet..
maybe get som late lunch.. and wash the rides , basically see everyone again..
add your name to this list if youre coming...
being that steve doesnt really want to set up events due to some people not wanting to come when they say the will then im doing it for a try... and if its a pittyful meet then i'll do the same as steve.. and back off ..
i have a feeling this might happen.. Prove me wrong though..
(1)Dave (2 Uniq)
if your going then, heres my number if you need to call: (914)438-9357
Im most likely going, buti where are we going to be meeting initailly? Dunkin or some where else?
If it was a different day I'd be there, but I posted my reasoning in the other Poughkeepsie post. That date is pretty soon babe
count me and Steve in but I agree with Kasi... the date is like right around the corner
(1)Dave (2 Uniq)
(2)Johanna & Steve
PS... if we hook this up for late saturday maybe we can have an after party going on at my house.... we'll have to talk more.... Gotta ask the roomate BLA
I remember the car... just can't remember the face. SORRY
Hey Dave, give me directions and you know I'll be there!
www.kronosperformance.com / 732-742-8837
<img src="http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/jiggaman/personal_pic.jpg">
okay well i dont know whats really happening.. but you'll know 3 days ahead of time adam if were all going to make it out for it to be....
just to let you know it kinda far like maybe 1:45 min away from you but i have no idea..
ill get back to you..
14 posts left....
due to some things going on at home im not sure i can make a meet that early
for details just read my away message on aim
Not unintentionally accelerating since 2009!!!!
Hey, sorry I'm not around much. Things are kinda crazy with the car. Won't be able to make the meet. Car can't be driven right now and we probably won't have everything back together by the 5th. Looks like we have to fabricate most of the setup for the trunk & backseat so it's taking a while. Sorry guys. It's not for lack of interest. Just won't have a J to drive and we need every free hour we have to finish the car. Already going to miss the first two shows
<img src="http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/pinkcar/smallsig1.jpg">
okay was just an idea.. i have no money anywho...
Dave (2 UNIQ) wrote:okay was just an idea.. i have no money anywho...
If you want you can come to our June meet for the Jersey Js...let me know if anyone is interested.
www.kronosperformance.com / 732-742-8837
Dave with this coming up so soon.. And everything going on... I'm not sure if I'll be making it either. Sorry babe...
well considering my gramma was just diagnosed with cancer and i really need to be with my family right now....@!#$ comes up....and the bash is comin soon too....and that costs money and all.....
Not unintentionally accelerating since 2009!!!!
*cough* We've had a few meets in this area SteveH.... YOU HAVEN'T BEEN TO ONE!
LOL thats right baby... and that would include you with your bling bling door handles