I am interested in starting a j-body car club around pittsburgh pa, Preferable in beaver county PA. There are little to no j-bodys around where I live so I figured I would like to get to know some.lol...Only serious ppl
hey man, talk to the guys from BahnKraft Tuning. i used to have a j-body, but a trashed it. here are a few sites to check out. www.bahnkrafttuning.com and www.niteryderz.tk
<img src="http://freewebs.com/skipmarshall/cavyracer88.jpg">
I have been doing the club thing since 2002.
My Current club broke off from another club which I don't even see around anymore. I know two of their members still post on here but t heir site hasn;t been updated since last summer. Anywasy when that club started in 2002 we tried the all J-body thing and it didn't work out and we opend our doors to all makes.
Bankcraft's owner was a member of mine that needed time and a slower paced club (so he says) and tried the J-body only thing. Now all the sudden they are make club as well.
Depending on what you want out of a club you may be hard pressed to get it. Some people are just friends, some are looking for hardcore teams and others are in the middle some where.
All in all we learned back in 2002 that a quality all j-body club in the pittsburgh area is hard to come by since the majority of owners are high school kids with either a lot of time and no money to mod, or are just not responsible enough. That is the other reason why you will see a lot of clubs require you to be at least 18, if not 21 because they don't want the headaches of minors. What has hurt it even further is the Cavalier being discontinued and wasn't all that respected to begin with. You don't see a lot of people salvaging Cavaliers out of junk yards trying save them like people do with other types of cars...
I figure I would just give some advise since this is become a common question anymore.
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Sight-N-Sound wrote:I have been doing the club thing since 2002.
My Current club broke off from another club which I don't even see around anymore. I know two of their members still post on here but t heir site hasn;t been updated since last summer. Anywasy when that club started in 2002 we tried the all J-body thing and it didn't work out and we opend our doors to all makes.
Bankcraft's owner was a member of mine that needed time and a slower paced club (so he says) and tried the J-body only thing. Now all the sudden they are make club as well.
Depending on what you want out of a club you may be hard pressed to get it. Some people are just friends, some are looking for hardcore teams and others are in the middle some where.
All in all we learned back in 2002 that a quality all j-body club in the pittsburgh area is hard to come by since the majority of owners are high school kids with either a lot of time and no money to mod, or are just not responsible enough. That is the other reason why you will see a lot of clubs require you to be at least 18, if not 21 because they don't want the headaches of minors. What has hurt it even further is the Cavalier being discontinued and wasn't all that respected to begin with. You don't see a lot of people salvaging Cavaliers out of junk yards trying save them like people do with other types of cars...
I figure I would just give some advise since this is become a common question anymore.
I was part of the other club. We did try the J only thing,then tried other things. Its very hard to get a club of just one specific type of vehicles.
O and mike, We dont show up anymore cause we dont exist anymore lol. I canceled the webhosting yet they still host it. Im too involved in my own work and everyone likes to do their own thing. We all are friends still but i do miss getting together as a huge group back in the day.
acidburn1022 wrote:I was part of the other club. We did try the J only thing,then tried other things. Its very hard to get a club of just one specific type of vehicles.
O and mike, We dont show up anymore cause we dont exist anymore lol. I canceled the webhosting yet they still host it. Im too involved in my own work and everyone likes to do their own thing. We all are friends still but i do miss getting together as a huge group back in the day.
Yeah I just never saw an update then your photo gallery went bye bye. Thats when I figured it was about done. Thats funny about the hosting. They are a bunch of idiots over there. Infact as of today we dropped them and told them we were not renewing in july.
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Sight-N-Sound wrote:acidburn1022 wrote:I was part of the other club. We did try the J only thing,then tried other things. Its very hard to get a club of just one specific type of vehicles.
O and mike, We dont show up anymore cause we dont exist anymore lol. I canceled the webhosting yet they still host it. Im too involved in my own work and everyone likes to do their own thing. We all are friends still but i do miss getting together as a huge group back in the day.
Yeah I just never saw an update then your photo gallery went bye bye. Thats when I figured it was about done. Thats funny about the hosting. They are a bunch of idiots over there. Infact as of today we dropped them and told them we were not renewing in july.
They sucked for tech support. I had the site go down for a couple days and they were horrendous for help. it eventually came back up. They do host my other site and have not had any problems with that. Who did you go with?
Is it more expensive or cheaper?
my club hasnt even been around for a year yet. same with bahnkraft tuning. mine is startin to fall apart a lil because nobody is recruiting, and we lost 3 people. i didnt even bother with the j only @!#$, because most of the cars around my area are hondas or mitsubishis.
<img src="http://freewebs.com/skipmarshall/cavyracer88.jpg">
Its more expensive, but not too much more....
Cavy I'm going to be honest with you. Your club is failing because most of you are in high school and don;t have the time or money to do what you need. If you have a bunch of people with close to stock cars an nothing happening eventually everyone looses interest.
People come and people go. I can care less anymore. I think in the past 3 years we have booted more people than people who have left on their own. Why? because we want people who are mature and understand this is just a hobby. When people started getting retartded and fighting with judges, or doing stupid @!#$ that can get others in trouble its time to say bye to that person. I don't beg people to stay.
Want a good example and I don't care what @!#$ it starts. Matt the "founder" of Bankraft basically left our club after getting a case of the ass because I put out a general posting on our forums about "Cleaning house". Now after talking to Matt numotus times tell him to not worry about his car not getting done and being stock because he had a kid on the way, he still took it as me "referring" to him. He gives me a sob story about how he loves NDC and it kills him to leave. Now this thread was started on 9/24/05. The first week of october he starts his new club which I don't find out about till 3 weeks after that.
Funny @!#$ of all tis is I find out because he starts asking my VP who has been with me for 3 years dealing with this stuff, and asks my wife who does our site, If I'm mad.

. So I Im him and ask him about it.
SO where it gets interesting is he first tells me he don;t have time, then he wants a j-body specific club that is slow paced so they can "learn" together. Then after talking to another member and reading a thread on their fourm before they finally locked it down, Matt was basically getting irritated over the same @!#$ I have been dealing with like low participation. :rolleyes: . So from reading and talking it turns out they are basically going full balls to the wall and now they are a great new club in Pittsburgh that ACCEPT ALL MAKES :rolleyes:
Again Someone else I told before he even left All J-body clubs don't work in this area just like I'm advising you. EXCEPT the reason I'm so hot about this situation is because it turned into a whole too faced fiasco which I'm sorry irritates the hell out of me especially when they were supposedly against actions like this when they were part of NDC :rolleyes:
This @!#$ comes with the territory. Ups, downs, bite-offs, leeches and so forth. This is preceicly why if its me and 15 other people, or me and 2 other people, I will continue to do what I do. The people worth a damn will stick though all head butting and BS that comes with being in a club. I have 5 people who help with what they can who have been with me from the begining. Two no longer have vehicles in the club but we still BS, hang out and so forth.
Just remeber this,
Successful club = (Some participation + Some Money) x Members
If people don't have the time, and don;t have the money, your not going to get any where fast. teh Whole Premis behinde NDC was that we are not one of these hard core clubs you see with Mod requirements per year, and mandatory meetings. YET in the same breath, if you don't have people have the maturity and are serious, and can manage time the club will fail.
To be successful I'm not saying you have to all have 100K dollar super cars either.
-peace and sorry for the long rant / advice / opinion thread.
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acidburn1022 wrote:Is it more expensive or cheaper?
We actually get less bandwidth and space, but it's still plenty (2GB space, 40GB bandwiddcth). We've been using them at work for two years, and every time I've had to call them for tech support they answer within 5 minutes and the guy on the other end is intelligent. Our work site has went down twice within 2 years, and only for 30 minutes at a time.
We picked the $11.95 a month plan.
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Webmaster of: <a href="http://www.newdawncustoms.com">www.newdawncustoms.com</a>
~*~*~*~The thoughts hereby expressed do not necessarily reflect the thoughts and/or opinions of my car club. They are my thoughts and opinions only! ~*~*~*~
yes, at the moment, none of us have time or money...the only person who really has @!#$ done to his car is B, but thas cause his dad gave him money. right now, i dont even have a damn car. zach n derrick split to join another club, and chaun doesnt keep in contact with me at all, so hes gone. as for me, jenn, and dan...we are all graduating within the next few weeks, so we will have time...and as for the money, i have some money to do @!#$ to a car once i get one. we also plan on having some fund raisers to raise a lil cash to get t-shirts made.
Yo, I am a member of bahnkraft tuning in the burgh and I can tell you personally that the club is growing considerably with ADULT MEMBERS OVER 21!!! I am the administator for the ohio chapter of the organization, and everything is just fine! In all clubs, you will have conflict here and there but, for the most part, and the majority of the time, you get to enjoy the meetings(which aren't always mandatory), the shows, the fun times and just being a part of something positive. Now, having said that, I'd like to respond to this SITUATION...........................being that matt and this person were friends at one point in time and were also in the same club, It is not doing anybody any good to rip ones club or the other! By doing this, it shows the immaturity of the person doing the talking! Instead, we all should be rolling to shows together, hosting picnics or whatever because we are all a part of something we all enjoy and oh, by the way, like my boy Rodney....................CAAAAAAAN'T WEEEE ALLLLL JUUUUST GIIIIIIT ALOOOOONG?!! But in reality, we all should have some respect to not only to the tuner community, but, respect with our club, other clubs and more importantly......OURSELVES!!! Read this and take it as you want it, but, I just foresee nothing good coming out of this If we keep ripping back and forth!!! Much respect to NDC, much respect to my club and members of Bahnkraft tuning, and most of all, MUCH RESPECT TO THE WHOLE TUNER COMMUNITY! peace from your truly Igopogo and the silver streak!
Watch out there nah!
chas matthews wrote:Yo, I am a member of bahnkraft tuning in the burgh and I can tell you personally that the club is growing considerably with ADULT MEMBERS OVER 21!!! I am the administator for the ohio chapter of the organization, and everything is just fine! In all clubs, you will have conflict here and there but, for the most part, and the majority of the time, you get to enjoy the meetings(which aren't always mandatory), the shows, the fun times and just being a part of something positive. Now, having said that, I'd like to respond to this SITUATION...........................being that matt and this person were friends at one point in time and were also in the same club, It is not doing anybody any good to rip ones club or the other! By doing this, it shows the immaturity of the person doing the talking! Instead, we all should be rolling to shows together, hosting picnics or whatever because we are all a part of something we all enjoy and oh, by the way, like my boy Rodney....................CAAAAAAAN'T WEEEE ALLLLL JUUUUST GIIIIIIT ALOOOOONG?!! But in reality, we all should have some respect to not only to the tuner community, but, respect with our club, other clubs and more importantly......OURSELVES!!! Read this and take it as you want it, but, I just foresee nothing good coming out of this If we keep ripping back and forth!!! Much respect to NDC, much respect to my club and members of Bahnkraft tuning, and most of all, MUCH RESPECT TO THE WHOLE TUNER COMMUNITY! peace from your truly Igopogo and the silver streak!
No disrespect to you, but I would respect Bahnkraft Tuning much more if the person who started it had just told us the truth in the first place, which was that he couldn't handle Mike's personality (whether or not he admits it), and if he hadn't taken content off our site to use on his own.
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Webmaster of: <a href="http://www.newdawncustoms.com">www.newdawncustoms.com</a>
~*~*~*~The thoughts hereby expressed do not necessarily reflect the thoughts and/or opinions of my car club. They are my thoughts and opinions only! ~*~*~*~
Sorry but when you are two faced and preach about being upfront with people then go and pull the kiniving bull@!#$ that happend, respect went right out the window at that point.
I'm harsh at times, yet I tell you like it is. I don't beat around the bush and a lot of people can't handle that. I don't sugarcoat stuff, because THAT is where miscommunications happen. If I tell you "your fine don't worry about it" and then make a general post to a group, don't think I was lying to you originally. Its called addressing group issues for a solution.
The funny thing is I tell people when I meet them face to face. "I'm direct and can be intimidating. If you have an issue with me contact me in person or on the phone FIRST." People sit there and nod there head saying yes they understand and no problem yet not ONE of them has done it. People that have done it are still around. They may not have gotten an answer they liked, but they understood why or where I was coming from.
Maybe I should start having people sign papers when they sit down with us during their final "interview" saying they truly understand the english language I am speaking to them. Penalty for not understanding is my foot in their ass when I find them later......
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My Car Domain Site
hey, dont be rippin on matt...hes a good guy. hey chas, i dont know u, but since ur part of BahnKraft Tuning, u have been invited to my grad party.
haha, n i just saw the posts in the thread about that...
What I would like to ask, is why the hell is any of this relevant to what the author of this post originally was asking?
Mike...I originally quit your club because I felt like I was holding you guys back with a stock car. You can swear up and down that it didnt matter because my wife was pregnant, but the post still addressed everyone who had a stock car (one other person and I) If you pride yourself on being so direct and straight forward, why didnt you just speak to the other guy on the phone or in an email/im, etc?
I had no intentions of starting my own club when I was leaving yours. Take it for what its worth...even if you dont believe me (I could care less). However, I didnt tell you because I wanted to keep your friendship because I actually liked and respected you. Now that I realize that all you are is a mouth without a brain behind it, Im fine with not giving two @!#$s about you. All you do is start @!#$....with everyone. All i ask is that you respect my club as I have respected yours. I have not drug NDC's name through the mud, nor yours. I appreciate your so-called directness, and now you can appreciate mine.
By the way.....the content of my site is completely different. My rules are similar to yours because they are general..... just as general as every other car clubs website.
What this is all about is that fact your pissed because I have a nice car club.....Just like the club you left was pissed when you started your own thing. Grow up and leave me alone. I havent bothered you at all....and I even got your rims from your car sold for you after all of this happened. Im sorry if I have tragically impacted you to the point that you must make useless posts on forums to make yourself look good.
BahnKraft Tuning
go matt....and new dawns...stop frontin bc u dont want none

es eyes* Glad I was to broke to stay in the club scene if this is what it's going to come down to, arguing on the internet, and I mean that with the best of intentions and NOT as a cut at anyone person or club, just stating my opinoin just like everyone else with an a**hole. LOL
Anyways, back to topic, Superman listen to mike (Sight N Sound) he's dealt with alot of shlt over the years with running a club, inlcuding dealing with some of my shlt when I was once in his club. He know's what he's talking about.
<a href="http://www.jbodybash.com"><img src="http://www.jbodybash.com/images/banner_add.gif" alt="International J-Body Bash"></a><a href=aim:goim?screenname=IncubusGt486&message=>
AIM </a> <a href=http://mywebpages.comcast.net/mshoaf2/newbie.htm> <font color="red"> Marc Shoaf's Newbie Performance Guide</a></font>
BTW Superman, what area of Beaver County are you from? I live down in the Ambridge area. Just wondering, because I've seen 2 or 3 modded cav's that seem to be from the area and wonder if one of those might be you. More specifically, one of the cars I see alot is a 2001-2002 Silver Cavalier with a bomex body kit, altezza's and an aluminum wing.
<a href="http://www.jbodybash.com"><img src="http://www.jbodybash.com/images/banner_add.gif" alt="International J-Body Bash"></a><a href=aim:goim?screenname=IncubusGt486&message=>
AIM </a> <a href=http://mywebpages.comcast.net/mshoaf2/newbie.htm> <font color="red"> Marc Shoaf's Newbie Performance Guide</a></font>
wow this post blew up.lol....So i guess there are car clubs in and around pittsburgh after all. I am 18 and actually have alot of time and money to work on my car. I guess I will finish my car and see what happens.
EcoThunder/HotRedCav wrote:What I would like to ask, is why the hell is any of this relevant to what the author of this post originally was asking?
Mike...I originally quit your club because I felt like I was holding you guys back with a stock car. You can swear up and down that it didnt matter because my wife was pregnant, but the post still addressed everyone who had a stock car (one other person and I) If you pride yourself on being so direct and straight forward, why didnt you just speak to the other guy on the phone or in an email/im, etc?
I had no intentions of starting my own club when I was leaving yours. Take it for what its worth...even if you dont believe me (I could care less). However, I didnt tell you because I wanted to keep your friendship because I actually liked and respected you. Now that I realize that all you are is a mouth without a brain behind it, Im fine with not giving two @!#$s about you. All you do is start @!#$....with everyone. All i ask is that you respect my club as I have respected yours. I have not drug NDC's name through the mud, nor yours. I appreciate your so-called directness, and now you can appreciate mine.
By the way.....the content of my site is completely different. My rules are similar to yours because they are general..... just as general as every other car clubs website.
What this is all about is that fact your pissed because I have a nice car club.....Just like the club you left was pissed when you started your own thing. Grow up and leave me alone. I havent bothered you at all....and I even got your rims from your car sold for you after all of this happened. Im sorry if I have tragically impacted you to the point that you must make useless posts on forums to make yourself look good.
Please......Hold us back with a stock car? What were you told or do you not understand english. You changed your car, @!#$ happends and is understandable. At the same time you kocked up your wife.
What comes first - WORK / FAMILY / SCHOOL, having a @!#$ kid falls under family.
-No intentions? What do you call 1 week later :rolleyes: Don't bull@!#$ me. Evidently it was some concern to you because you were ASKING MY WIFE if I was pissed and I had no idea about the damn thing.
-As far as a mouth with no brian, Guess what Matt I havn't made any stupid @!#$ decisions in my life and when I set out to get @!#$ done, they are done with positive results. You can try to spin it any @!#$ way you want to try and make me look like an ass, but its not going to happen. My so called starting @!#$ with everyone is a result of asking @!#$ to be done 4 or 5 @!#$ times and it still isn't done. YOU KNEW THAT ALONG WITH EVERYONE ELSE. I shouldn't have to ask grown adults 20 @!#$ times to do somthing simple when it comes to an orginization they supposedly WANT to be part of.
-Selling my rims for me, what are you looking for? @!#$ commission? I had 3 other offers and I believe I told you that or lanman, but said screw it and sold them cheeper locally to help out a local guy because I wasn't really conserned about the money.
-What does my posts have to do with anything? It basically went somewhat off topic but it did show this guy what goes on. People like you MATT never consider the negative in anything and thats why so many mistakes are made with different @!#$. I didn't want to see this guy go thorugh the same BS especially with another "all J-body club" in the area which 2 now have failed in the past couple years.
If you REALLY respected me and wanted my friendship you wouldn't have tried to hide the @!#$ form me. Told tell me you were scared either :rolleyes: .AGAIN RIGHT THERE RESPECT WENT OUT THE WINDOW. I DID consider you a friend or are you that @!#$ stupid to realize thats why I was always dropping hints and lines to you to not worry about your @!#$ car until you got your kid and housing situation stabilized? If you didn't realize that maybe you should watch who your calling brainless.
Quick Rundown since you still think you were being "singled out". Back at the end of september I was asking people if they still even wanted to do the club thing because no one except me and brad showed up for stuff. I wanted EVERYONE's answer thats why EVERYONE WAS ADRESSED. 4 people that were refered to in the post as stated before were, Rob L (he steped down and we still talk he was the prior VP), My Brother didn't come to anything and didn;t do a damn thing to his car after two attemps, Mike D, disapeared for 4 months and didn;t even know he was removed till @!#$ 4 months AFTER his removal email went out, And finally Bill who tried but just had too many bad things happen (he is still on the forums and BS's with us). I told you several times leading up to this that YOU WERE FINE.
Basically Matt, how you went about all this was a slap to the face, of me AND the rest of the NDC members as a whole, the supposed club you just loved so much :rolleyes:
PS to Others
-Bomex shut the @!#$ up. You went there and you only have one side of the story so stay the @!#$ out of it.
-Inky thanks for the support.
As for the original break up of ACC, @!#$ happend it was rocky for a while, BUT I DIDN:T JUST UP AND LEAVE and start NDC (I'm not getting back into that stuff). We were forced into the situation. Rob, Kris, even focusboy all sorted out our differences last summer at a show in West Mifflin (with the occasional blurt out from brad and ball busting). All in all it was over. Mistakes were made. It one of the biggest things that piss me off with this is due to this is turning into a DAMN MIRROR situation.
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I'd like to say a few things. One, we're more than just a club. All of us do non-club stuff on a regular basis. Jason and I get retarded once a week, and I end up with something new from Dee's

. Second, Mike, much love on the rims and tires. I know you could have sold them locally, but much props for selling (and delivering) them to me. Third, the original post was about Superman starting a club, not other club drama. How come there was no mention (or slandering) of steel city's finest, or all the other car clubs in pittsburgh? There's a car club with greasers that drive old cars. What about Nyteriders? Why just Bahnkraft? Nuff said.
Beat it like it owes you money