That's better... / 732-742-8837
No problem Adam , we will cut the clips ASAP.
I had so much fun tonight , thanks everyone.
Got back home at 2:07 AM , mom wasn't to happy about that

Mandy your my hero ! Thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuu , the knob made the stupid shifter gap go away and it feels so much better then the old one.
Thanks Bryan/Adam for taking my friends I / they really appreciate it and they soon may be new JJ members .
Someone post the pics pleaseeeeeeeee ...
youre welcome DJ. yeah the best way to get someone to want to be a member is to bring them, pj brought me to a few meets before i had my cav and as my old piece of @!#$ grand am took a crap i was like CAVALIER!
who would ever think a cavalier(/sunfire

) could be so contagious? ha.
<img src="">
well depending on when in june you have the meet, i might have my car done so maybe i'll make the hour drive and come up for one.
They just opened a Rita's Italian Ice by me. Think it would be a cool place to meet, and we could cruise to somewhere.
So far the videos i have edited are ...
The Cheesequake Rest Stop ( Walkthrough of all cars )
Adam Cavalier Driving ( All driving shots put together )
Sunfire Adam Driving ( All driving shots put together )
Rich's Blow off Valve
Let me know if you want anything special

^^^BOOOO! you arnt supose to test sigs like that silly!
thank you and have a good day
^^^ Incorrect .
Only people
WHO CAME TO THE MEET are allowed to check sigs

Im going to upload the videos tommorow to a server so we have something to enjoy .
any day as long as its not 4th - 19th of june, i will be in upstate new york shooting stuff
if you make it for the 25th of june, i can probably make it.
haha meet was awesome I'll post the video soon!
i might be able to finally come up....if you do the end of june
JeRsEy KiD ( The Young One ) wrote:^^^ Incorrect .
Only people WHO CAME TO THE MEET are allowed to check sigs
Im going to upload the videos tommorow to a server so we have something to enjoy .
You just got served punk! hahaha, O and Goce....i know...i just wanted to show it off.
O and a couple other ideas because im bored.
Pt. Pleasant.
Somewhere on 35.
Monmouth mall to some where.
I love driving on the parkway with everyone. So im trying to think of somewhere new where we can drive to it by parkway. Parkway's are fun. Right Festa?
Turn 24 in June...wooohoooo.
Brian D.
^^^ And strangely you still look 12.....
Well if a lot of people seem to be able to come on the 25th, that sounds like the date of choice. I'm pretty sure Punchbuggy is either the 25th or the 26th, and I'll probably be racing there but i don't anticipate being there long enough to interfere with fulfilling my responsibilities as videographer. Speaking of which, to anyone capable of bringing a video camera to the next meet:
PJ and I have come to the conclusion that in order to best feature EVERYONE'S cars, we really need at least one more person steady on the camera, preferably two more not counting myself. So if anyone has a friend who wants to ride shotty with a camera, bring them along to the next meet (please note, YOU or the person filming, needs to provide the camera). Then at the end of the night you can either give the tapes to me and PJ or just send us the files (preferably .mpg or .wmv) so that we can edit something together. We just kinda noticed that the same 4 or 5 cars seem to get most of the attention in the vids, and I can't be in enough places at once, so if you want to help improve the diversity of the videos, start recruiting! The only real rule we have for footage is: try not to talk as you're recording. Me and PJ have ruined some pretty good clips by talking or saying something stupid, so when the record light is on, its best to stay quiet. I think thats it for now....
Arrival Blue 04 LS Sport
'Nuff said
Jersey Jay 1.8T wrote:^^^ And strangely you still look 12..... 
12??? come on Im way younger looking then that!
Brian D.
ok people, 21st or 28th? / 732-742-8837
I vote 21, the 28 is practially the next month. I dont think i can hold out that long... lol
why not make up a track meet or something?
<3 Heather <3
umm... we are talking about June, right? Because the 21st and the 28th are tuesdays according to my calendar.... Adam, you're a total mess dude lol
Arrival Blue 04 LS Sport
'Nuff said
JeRsEy KiD ( The Young One ) wrote:^^^ Incorrect .
Only people WHO CAME TO THE MEET are allowed to check sigs
you know, for someone JUST getting their licence, you were very lucky you didnt get pulled over after 12.
thank you and have a good day
Jersey Jay 1.8T wrote:umm... we are talking about June, right? Because the 21st and the 28th are tuesdays according to my calendar.... Adam, you're a total mess dude lol
correct. the last weekend is the 24-26