What's goin on Ladies and Gentlemen.......it was cool meeetin up with you guys and rollin to ATCO with you all....you guys are some cool people.....wish i had more time to hang and race with you....but don't worry....i'll have my nitrous installed by the time i get back...and i'll have my revenge on Danielle and her SRT-4....So Bryan, (i think) Adam, Jay, Rich, Danielle.....hope to see all of you again soon......
Idon't know the chances, but i htink we should get either J-Rev to come up to Jersey for a weekend or Jersey J's to come down to VA for a weeknd sometime in October....what do you guys think??
Take care guys and gals
No problem man, its a shame you were having troubles, i really wanted to see what that puppy could do. Your car is beautiful, nice and clean and devoid of rice, just how i like em lol. And you better watch out, Danielle got the hang of that SRT pretty quick, 14.5 and 14.8 were her last two runs...
Arrival Blue 04 LS Sport
'Nuff said
Yeah i was havin some trouble boggin and spinning...but i'll be gettin stickier tires when i get back....thanx for the compliment....i wanted my baby lookin stock....you should get a FMIC for your baby....that'd look badazz....but no one would expect your car to be fast...
it was cool meeting you whitt, your car was definetly hot
I was disappointed with your times tho... hopefully next time they'll be a lot lower!
see you when you get back to shore man!
Hey man thanks for comin out. Atco is always fun. A weekend in VA sounds like it could be fun, just so long as theres a track near by
You'll got the hang of it man, Atco isn't the easiest track to launch at. Everything was so crazy that day (for me at least) that I don't remember how you did? How were your trap speeds lookin?
<img src=http://home.comcast.net/~richnj221/smiley.gif>
It was fun gettin out there with you guys...lookin forward to when i get back......i was dicussing with somone else who has the GM Charger....with the smaller pulley seein over 6lbs of boost , i'm probably knocking and the computer is backing down my timing in turn slowing me down...i need to intercool the charger....but i have a Zex kit sittin in the dark waiting to be installed...then it's on....88mph was my fastest trap speed....
whoa... yeah... somethings gotta be wrong cuz it was hitting 88 practically stock... that sux bro hope you get it worked out.
Arrival Blue 04 LS Sport
'Nuff said
yeah..i was pretty upset with my times and my car...wondering if it was my driving or something goin wrong with my baby
Your not the only one upset with their times...
It was fun meeting up with you. Let us know when you come around again. Good luck with the service.
www.kronosperformance.com / 732-742-8837
are we goin to atco again this weekend?
me and the skwirl hope so
Bryan, Adam, Rich and PJ.....I found one of my fastest 1/8th mile times...
RT: .167
60': 2.143
I2: 6.111
ET: 9.354
MPH: 76.670
I wasn't close to pullin those times at ATCO....BUT once i get it dialed in right..i WILL..
This would have been a mid to low 14 1/4 mile
yeah man, the run i had to back out of because of overboosting i ran a 9.4 1/8 mile, and if i hadn't had to let off it probably would have been at least a 14.5... i'm gonna see if i can get that worked out this weekend and try again.
Arrival Blue 04 LS Sport
'Nuff said