So here's what I got.
2 Lanzar 1535Ds in a box made by me, 12 inch flared port tuned to 33 hz. You'd have to trim a little of a J trunk but it fits. Also comes with 8 gauge speaker wire. $400
2 Audiopipe AP30001ds - 3000 rms each @ 2 ohms, 1500x 2 @ 1 ohm. These are proven to do rated power. I have the boxes and fuse holders $600
1 Maxxonics Maxx-Link. Perfect for matching gains. Comes with box and manual. $75
2 1/0 to ring connectors + 1/0 wire. This was plenty enough for me to hook both amps up to one battery. Both positives go into one connector, both negatives go into one connector. There's at least 5 foot per run. $100
1 run of 1/0(positive and negative), I want to say one run is 13 foot, the other is 18 foot. Red and black. $75
250 amp alternator with adjustable regulator for 2.2/2200 vehicles. Does from 14-20 volts, very beefy. $300
I'd package everything together for $1400. Everything funtions perfectly, was never abused, and is a quick easy almost 150 db setup. Local pickup in the Pittsburgh area.