ok heres the deal. i bought four 1" spacers/adapters for my cavi. put them on fine and for the first week or two nothing was wrong. now when i go about 30 my car starts to vibrate with this thud noise rapidly... is an inch too far out for cavi's? im stumped on what it is thats even causing this problem... please help.

Straight lines are over-rated In My Opinion =]
Firstly, yes, and inch is about 10mm too far on the front, assuming you're running stock wheels. You look like a tool driving around mexi-flush.
Second, it sounds like you have lug nuts loose. Dont drive it anymore until you retorque everything.

Paying someone to install parts and bragging about it being fast, is like watching someone bang your wife and being proud to raise their kids.
All that sweet tire tread showing is killing your wheel bearings too. Good job making it look like poo and ruin itself in the process..
A) dont be a jerk mike lol they look good lining up with my drift front bumper.
B)i have sacchi s2 rims transporter.
would half inch spacers do the same thing or would i be all set? cuz i know 96 cavi's have a inch less distance in wheelbase in back compared to the front. so i was thinking just to do half inch spacers in the front and inch spacers in the back so the wheels are all the sames distance.

Straight lines are over-rated In My Opinion =]
What are the offset on your wheels? That is key for figuring this out.

Paying someone to install parts and bragging about it being fast, is like watching someone bang your wife and being proud to raise their kids.
honestly i tried to find that before i put the spacers/adpaters on and all it says on rim site is this:
17in sacchi s2
5x100 & 5x114
high offset

Straight lines are over-rated In My Opinion =]
Looks like your offset is 40mm at 7in wide, stock offset is 47mm at 6.5in wide(they are 6.5" wide right? I can't remember for sure and I'm finding conflicting numbers...) . It took me 15mm to get my stock front wheels flush, and 37mm to get the stock rear wheels flush. Since you're wheels are already half an inch wider, that gives you a quarter inch on each side, 1/4" = 6.3mm, So with your wheels you will want a 2mm spacer in the front to be flush. Honestly that isn't enough to even worry about, leave the front alone. For the rear, again you have an extra 6.3mm in the back, so a 24mm spacer in the back. However I would use a 1/2 hub spacer in the back, along with a 12mm wheel spacer to keep the moment on the rear wheel bearing down. That should get you where you should be.
But honestly I would get different wheels, those look unbelievably terrible...

Paying someone to install parts and bragging about it being fast, is like watching someone bang your wife and being proud to raise their kids.
not being a jerk, just posted early in the morning.