is it possible to fix a front air strut . i bought the strut not knowing that it was damaged. iT is bent. or anyone know were i can buy just the front right
I don't think you can repair a strut that's bent. BUT I could be wrong. I personally would feel better just buying a new one and playing it safe. I remember years back A+ Performance sold air ride supplies. You can check with them.
Ah sorry then. I think the guys username was Jason -Aplus or APlus. Something like that. Anyone else chime in? Been a while for me.
Just recently purchased a Tein SS setup from him and couldnt have had a better transaction.
Is it from easystreet and the pancake style bag? I have one good one of that style if thats what your looking for but I can't remember which side. I'll check for you tomorrow.
Do u still have the easystreet strut