As I stated in a previous post, my car was broken into last week and all of my audio stuff except for the speakers was stolen. So now I'm looking for some new stuff. I'd prefer buying used items cause I dont have a whole lot of money to spend right now, so let me know what you've got. First off I'd really like to get an alarm system for it to help prevent this crap from happening again. Any type of security system will work, I just need something.
I'm also looking for any type of aftermarket headunit. It doesn't have to be anything special, it just has to work. Driving with no music is kinda boring. I'm not looking for a headunit with a flip up screen, gps, etc. Just something to play CDs and maybe an mp3 player hook up.
Thanks guys
I'm looking for a few people around me that have stuff like that.....i'll let you know as soon as i can

2003 Cavalier
Stock 2.2 Liter, 5 speed
" Leave the rice to Uncle Ben's and the wings to KFC..
Go clean or go home. "
dunno if your interested or not but ihave a 1 month old 12" Alpine Type-E sub, Fosgate P2002 amp, New 6x9 Polk Monos, and New 5 1/4" Polk monos speakers
ive got a few alarms ill dig the out tommorow all brand new ill let go cheap
i have a full sound system.
sub, box, amp, speaker, amp, cd player, tweeters, wiring, fuses, everything to make a complete system.
looking to sell asap if your interested.
no more cavalier, means no maore use for all my parts!
Still waiting for a buddy to get back GA..went to see family for turkey day.......

2003 Cavalier
Stock 2.2 Liter, 5 speed
" Leave the rice to Uncle Ben's and the wings to KFC..
Go clean or go home. "
I have a bunch of 2 gauge wire, some 0 gauge and some 4 gauge....
Set of infinity 6X9s
3 audiobahn 1206Q comp. subs
Fiberglass encosure for 3 12s, with everything you need for it to replace the back seat
Set of stock 4X6s..
Box for 2 10s
2 6X9 boxes
im sure theres more im fogetting lol
"Hondas are like tampons, every pussy has one!!!"
Sorry guys I'm not really looking to replace the subs just yet. All I really wanna do is get a headunit for now and it looks like I have a deal with someone on a nice Kenwood.
Do you guys have any suggestions as far as security systems go?
i got a nice pioneer i just took out of my caddy. plays cds, mp3s, has an input for an mp3 player, etc. etc. here is a pic of it installed in my caddy.
also i have an older never installed security system, when you are ready for subs, I have some very nice not used ones, as well as several amp combos.
But yeah, let me know on the pioneer and alarm first.
Edited 2 time(s). Last edited Monday, November 30, 2009 7:15 PM